cbelden's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com LATE NIGHT SHIFT IN TELEVISION VIEWERSHIP With every major milestone in television history, change has come with both positive and negative effects. Ratings have often fluctuated until viewing audiences have adjusted their routines to accommodate the appearance of one program or the removal of an... http://www.articleheaven.net/late-night-shift-in-television-viewership-1300877.html 17th December 2009 5 TIPS FOR HEALTHY EATING AROUND THE HOLIDAYS The holidays are the time of year most notorious for weight gain. It's not difficult to see why—piles of candy toward the end of October are followed by the year's largest feast in November and a trail of rich holiday delicacies lead to another large di... http://www.articleheaven.net/5-tips-for-healthy-eating-around-the-holidays-1258128.html 26th November 2009 HOLIDAY DECORATING ON A DIME The holidays are often the time of year when American homes receive the most visitors. Loved ones visit for the season or often just for supper; friends and other guests stop by to exchange gifts and to spread holiday cheer. Because of the number of peopl... http://www.articleheaven.net/holiday-decorating-on-a-dime-1258126.html 26th November 2009