Your Teens & Their Schools

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schools are being sent to alternative placements. In general, students are referred to alternative schools and programs if they are at risk of education failure, as indicated by poor grades, truancy, disruptive behavior, suspension, pregnancy, or similar factors associated with early withdrawal from school.

Hanging out after school ... Kids felt they should be allowed much more freedom once they were in high school. To some extent, they have been allowed it. By 9th grade, they could get around on their own, and they had activities they wanted to do with friends, like playing basketball and skateboarding. I think socializing is as important as homework, so it is OK with me, as long as they are home by 6, but they have to tell their parents where they are going to be, or leave a message if there are last-minute plans.
"Private schools are elitist."
"Private schools are for kids from rich families' only."
"There's terrible pressure on private students to perform academically."
Now let's get busy debunking these widely held views.
"Private schools are elitist."
If a teen is struggling in school with their academic's, this could be either a learning disability that has not been diagnosed or your child is having some emotions that are distracting them from school. This can evolve from many sources including problems at home, a problem with a friend, or even an issue that they have been suppressing. Mood disorders such as depression, dysthymia, and bipolar disorders are major risk factors for suicide among children and adolescents. Although many murderers of teens below age 18 are teens themselves, two-thirds are age eighteen or older.4 Gang violence has been associated with many teen murders.
Gangs in Schools: Gang culture among young people, in itself, is nothing new. Indeed, youth gangs have been a major part of the urban cultural landscape. In the late twentieth century United States, however, gangs have taken on a different character and have moved into areas unimagined by Dickens. Most significantly, they are spreading from inner cities to "edge cities"--cities at the outskirts of large urban centers--and to suburbs; indeed, while gang activity has been stabilizing in urban areas, it has increased significantly elsewhere. Gang members often display their membership through distinctive styles of dress--their "colors"--and through specific activities and patterns of behavior. Gangs almost universally show strong loyalty to their neighborhood, often marking out their territory with graffiti. All of these representations can be visible in the schools.
Finally, gangs can spread unexpectedly from school to school as students transfer from gang-impacted schools to gang-free schools, causing an unintentional spillover of gang activity in the new school.
Why Gangs Develop and Why Students Join Them?
Gangs take root in schools for many reasons, but the primary attraction of gangs is their ability to respond to student needs that are not otherwise being met; they often provide youth with a sense of family and acceptance otherwise lacking in their lives.The strange logic of the modern media's attack on adolescents is nowhere stranger than its portrayal of "teen" sexuality. When a child is born to a father over age 20 and a teenage mother (which happened 350,000 times last year), the phenomenon is called "children having children." When an adult pays a teenager for sex, it is "teenage prostitution."
Looking for residential schools for out-of-control teenage daughter
You are in the process of looking for a boarding school for your out-of-control teenage daughter. You need something that addresses both emotional growth and academic growth. I don't want a lock-down situation, but hopefully something that's isolated enough that it accomplishes the same purpose.Residential school for teen with emotional problems If you are looking for a residential school for your teenaged son who, while very bright, has severe emotional problems. They have exhausted all local options and feel that a therapeutic/residential program may be the best option now.

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