Your diet is probably killing you!

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Is your diet plan harming you?

Anyone who eats is on a diet. It might be eating too much junk food but it is a diet all the same. The latest numbers show that 64% from the American population is body fat, being eligible for possibly the overweight or even obese tag. Perhaps they have bought the incorrect diet plan.

We all know the following story or if we don't we should. Your body needs the glucose level in the bloodstream to be maintained inside a very narrow music group. Two hormones control this and both of them are produced by the pancreas. If you have too much glucose in the blood stream the pancreas produces insulin to tell other parts of the body to fix this. And there the story generally ends.

Insulin as well as fat.

The important story though is exactly what happens next. The body's fat cells get the message (the increased level of insulin) and they suck in all of the sugar they can get their hands on and turn it into fat. If there are any fatty acids around at the time they'll suck them within as well. To put which another way blood glucose amounts are reduced by the fat cells taking in the glucose as well as storing it aside as fat. Which means you would expect that the more often your pancreas has to go to work and produce insulin then your more fat you will store away.

Other effects of insulin tend to be to tell the muscle cells and liver in order to trap glucose because glycogen (a sort of animal starch equivalent) but there is just so much of that that can go on. Sure if you're a marathon runner it makes sense to carbo-load the day before the race but when do most of us last operate a marathon? Next time you appear at that chocolate covered snack bar just think of the effect that it will possess on your insulin levels and also the effect that will have on your body (read fat cells).

The other side of the story is that if the pancreatic detects that the level of glucose in the blood is too low it produces an additional hormone, glucagon. The effect of the hormone is to inform the rest of the body in order to let the glucose proceed, a reverse from the insulin effect. For that 64% of Americans who are fat their pancreatic has probably overlooked how to produce glucagon and that would be true too for the English, Australian, Canadian and where-ever else the population is generally too body fat.

What to do to fix your diet plan.

Your pancreas usually reacts very quickly in order to changes in blood glucose amounts. If you eat a meals that is high in glucose you can expect a fairly quick insulin reaction. The effect other carbohydrates will have vary with some getting no effect whatsoever. One measure of what sort of glucose blast a food will give you is the glycemic index or GI. More and more foods are publishing this information on their labeling so look out for it.

To stop putting on weight, and also to effectively take weight off, an eater (that's all of us) needs to have the insulin effect of any meal or snack at the forefront of their thoughts at all times. A useful begin is to replace higher GI foods with ones that have a lower GI. For instance white sugar (sucrose) because usually used to sweeten tea or coffee has a GI associated with 85 whereas Xylitol (utilized in the same way) has a GI of 8. A doughnut includes a GI of 75 while a raw apple company has a GI of Forty and so on.

The idea would be to not eat food that will trigger an insulin response but consume those that will deliver a slow trickle of glucose to the blood stream over a longer period. Try to fly under the insulin radar.


Resource Box: To get more information about how in order to plan a healthy diet go to this site: or to

A series of videos on the how to diet plan can be found from:

Other booklets and diet plans can be found at:

This article, and others like it, will be regularly posted to this site and also a brief account of my own journey:

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