Why Should I Use Natural Hair Care Products

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It's hard to speak for people with a lot of hair as I myself do not have a lot anymore. I started balding noticeably in my late twenties and early thirties. I'm not completely bald and it fits my face so I'm ok with it. However, I still use shampoo and therefore I still have a concern about the quality of my shampoo.

Shampoos like many other products we use today have a lot in common. In other words they contain preservatives along with other artificial ingredients. Manufactures make it hard sometimes to stay away from these dangerous additives. Whether or not it's their intention I cannot say for sure. But any walk down an aisle of your local supermarket will prove me right. It's my belief that ingredients should be easily found on packaging and legible in bold letters. They should also include definitions for certain words that may be beyond an average person's vocabulary.

There have been serious accusations leveled at these chemically and synthetically based ingredients including cancer, hair loss, irritation of skin and eyes among others. It's really quite amazing how much abuse our bodies can take both inside and out. We bombard it almost constantly with artificial products.

Natural and organic products are becoming more popular and easier to find. Today next to a "regular product" you may find its natural counterpart. Maybe for a dollar or more you can have the same results but with less stress on your health. I understand that some products like natural hair dyes may not work as well as their chemical based cousin. However I believe that if you keep trying and keeping looking you should be able to find a compatible version.

Either way I believe that these additives are dangerous for our health and should be taken seriously. If you think about it, it's really been only within the past century that we've developed synthetic and chemical products such as preservatives. On the one hand it's great that a product has a very long shelf life or is very effective but what happens when these products are consumed and used? What does it do to our bodies?

Today on TV, magazines and billboards beauty is to be had at all costs. However, I think people are becoming aware that something is wrong. With the rise in autism, obesity, diabetes and a host of other health issues we ask ourselves why? What is it that we are doing that is causing this? Is it our lifestyle, is it our choices?

I don't blame men or women to want to look their best. However, I think we have to ask ourselves at what cost. We don't want to end up old and wrinkled because we spent every other day in a tanning booth. Nor do we want our hair to be brittle and lifeless because we dyed it with harsh chemical treatments.

Along with natural and organic products there is a lot of information about the benefits of eating healthy. I know firsthand that this is true. My mother who is sixty-seven does not look a day over sixty and maybe even younger than that. She didn't even really try to stay younger looking but her Italian heritage lent itself to all that good tasting healthy cooking. Olive oil, oregano, basil and garlic along with plenty of fruits and vegetables were on the daily menu.

Woman half her age spend time and money on tanning, skin care and hair care but don't get the same results. Things like smoking and drinking all need to be kept down to a minimum if at all. It's like ordering a salad and then poring on blue cheese or ranch dressing or a baked potato with loads of butter and salt or my favorite example a fast food meal with a diet coke.

So do yourself a favor and take the warning signs seriously. Of course you may have to get used to a new product. The process may be a little different. But in the end it will be worth it. Your beauty will last a lot longer and your health will thank you for it.

John Carlo is the webmaster for Chemically Treated Hair. For more information please visit http://www.chemicallytreatedhair.com/

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