Why is Fine Art popular and fascinating?

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Why is Fine Art popular and fascinating?

Definition of Fine Art
It refers to an art form that is developed mainly for the aesthetics. You might find it interesting that word ‘fine’ in fine art gallery stands for the purity of the discipline and not for the quality of artwork. In olden times, five major fine arts were painting, architecture, sculpture, music and poetry, while drama and dancing were considered as minor arts.
With time, things changed and so did the definition of Fine art. Nowadays, visual art and performing art forms like painting, music, dance, theatre, calligraphy and photography are also part of Fine art. This definition differs as some institutions associate visual art forms with fine art.
Some popular names in Fine Art form

Artists hold respectable position in the society. Since we are talking about Fine art, names of immortal artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are sure to come up. How can anybody forget Vinci’s Mona Lisa or Michelangelo’s famous fresco of The Last Judgment on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel?

The maestros of art produced masterpieces that are still afresh in the memory of the people. They managed to create a standard which is hard to meet up let alone surpass. Their work is a surely a source of inspiration for generations to come!
Popular Art form- where to buy?

Over the years the popularity of fine art gallery has grown immensely. Top notch colleges and universities offer courses. Students don’t mind spending hefty amounts and go overseas to study art from acclaimed universities. They use this theoretic knowledge to give it a tangible shape and existence in the form of paintings, portraits, landscapes, etc.
Work by famous artists are auctioned and bought by the public at unbelievable prices. Such art forms add charm to a place, make the space interesting. Common people might not afford a Mona Lisa but they can surely get something that can quench their thirst for art and a visit to an art gallery will do exactly this. Rich class that have both money and taste of art has been great admirers of fine arts. Oil paintings, portraits, landscapes grace every living room of theirs.

In the early days, it was not easy to get hold of great artwork. But with the emergence of fine art gallery, things have really become simple and easy. You can walk up to an art gallery flooded with amazing art pieces and pick up one that suits your house and does not make a hole in your wallet.
With the advent of Web things have become easier than ever before. Now, you can buy paintings, portraits, landscapes online from anywhere across the globe from within the comfort of your home.
You might not be able to fully express your emotions to someone but Fine art does that for you without the need for words. Fine art adds panache to your living style.

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