Why Choose Renewable Wind Power?

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Energy created from wind driven turbines is one of the most popular forms of electricity from alternative sources and it is the fastest-growing variety as well. Wind turbines are turned by the natural force of the wind, so make electricity without 'burning up' any fossil fuels in the process. The more (harder) the wind blows, the more electricity is produced.

Therefore, wind turbines are best situated where there are prolonged periods of high wind. The coast line is usually a good place to site wind turbines. In fact many coastal towns and cities are adding to their existing conventional electricity supply with energy produced from wind turbines.

You can still generate electricity from wind, even if the wind does not blow very hard where you live, but the return will be less. It could still be sufficient, but maybe you should check out solar panels as well. For example, it may suit your location to have a wind turbine for the winter and a couple of solar panels for the summer and winter back up.

Making a wind turbine is not rocket science, most people who are good with their hands can assemble a wind turbine with the help of a good set of DIY plans. The real trick is to get all the components that the plans say you will need before you start. That way, you can concentrate on following the plans without having to nip off every now and again to find a part.

One valid point is that you should not worry about producing too much electricity, because many the energy companies in many countries are obliged to buy your surplus electricity back off you nowadays. This is not a complicated process, you just have to stay plugged into the grid and your surplus electricity will flow back into the grid altering the numbers on the meter automatically.

In this case your meter is read monthly or quarterly as usual, but you will receive a refund rather that a bill. The more wind turbines and solar panels you install, the bigger a repayment you are likely to get. In some cases, the units of electricity that you sell back are worth up to twice the units you buy from the same electricity company.

Aside from the fact that you will not be getting an electricity bill every month or that your bill will be vastly reduced, a very important point is that you will be one of the very, very few individuals who is not badly affecting our planet. You will not be so accountable for the greenhouse gases that are created by making standard electricity.

You have nothing to lose by learning more about creating your own electricity, coming off the grid and doing your bit for the natural world. The very least that can happen is that you read the information and become wiser on the subject and you may not put into practice you knowledge that you have learned. This would be a real pity, but not a big financial loss.

Owen Jones, the author of this article, writes on many subjects, but is currently involved with a favourite subject - the cost of solar power. If you are interested in Sustainable Energy At Home, please click through to our site.

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