Why Buy a Blackberry?

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The smartphone market has exploded in the past couple of years expanding to the point where figuring out which model to go with can be an unbelievably daunting task. What if you pick one, only to figure out the next week that a new version is being launched? What if you buy a mobile that works great for the first six months but performance drops off exponentially after that? What if you are simply too overwhelmed to make a decision? Fear not. The answer is most definitely (probably… maybe) the BlackBerry.
There are several reasons why buying a BlackBerry handset will leave you satisfied in not only the short-term, but over the life of the mobile. RIM, the makers of BlackBerry, is one of the most established and popular smartphone manufacturers and much of that is due to having a product that works and works well.
The iconic, revolutionary QWERTY keypad was a phenomenal advance in mobile technology when it was first popularized in the market by the BlackBerry Curve back in 2007. The full keyboard makes the transition from typing on your computer to typing on your mobile relatively seamless with little learning curve. BlackBerry handsets are renowned for having super responsive QWERTY keypads that allow the user to zoom through messages and emails.

Speaking of email, the email functionality across the BlackBerry system is simply stunning. RIM was one of the first adopters of push email and multiple account functionality and has been refining and tweaking the process to make it as user friendly as it is today. Combine the technical aspects of the email system with the ease of use and responsiveness of the keypad and you have a winning combination. The BlackBerry has long been a phone for the businessman, and although it is slowly bucking that trend, the effective email feature is one of the main reasons why so many in the corporate world love this platform.
Battery Life
Yes, many smartphones claim a long battery life. And yes, many of them do, in fact, have a great long-lasting battery. However, BlackBerry is one of the few makes that has great longevity across the board in all of their models. From the BlackBerry Pearl to the BlackBerry Bold, with standby times approaching the month mark and usage times that can easily get you through a couple of hard days, the battery life on Blackberry will be something you are sure to be happy with.

Innovation belonged to RIM yet again when they revealed the now famous Trackball back in the day. The tool allowed users to easily navigate around the screen with a mouse-like functionality that they were used to from home PCs. The Trackball is still around, but today it is complimented by its high-tech spawn, the Trackpad. Both navigational tools are very responsive and make using the operating system on BlackBerry smartphones a dream.

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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/why-buy-a-blackberry-2254025.html

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