What will You Do on Halloween’s Day-Halloween Around the World

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Halloween, one of the world’s oldest holidays, is still celebrated today in several countries. It’s a holiday that celebrates by all family members. The most interesting thing is, Halloween is the holiday that most Americans celebrate, only a percentage exceeded by Christmas, and it is also a holiday that the most candy is sold and is second only to Christmas in terms of total sales.

So now, let’s take a look at the Halloween in different countries, and how they celebrate it.

Halloween in Mexican
Mexican traditions celebrate Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, on November 1st and 2nd. Families and friends come together to celebrate their departed loved ones, often building alters and placing favorite foods, beverages, and photos of their deceased relatives.

Halloween in UK
Ghosts, spooks and creepy places are all over the United Kingdom. For Halloween, if you are looking for the best ghost tours, haunted places or a good scares, you've come to the right place.

Chester, Derby, York and Edinburgh compete with each other for the title of Most Haunted Place in Britain - or even Europe. What with haunted inns, ghostly Roman Legions, headless Queens and mournful ghostly brides, they've all got a pretty good claim to the title. And there are more haunted destinations. The best ghost walks and haunted places in the UK to scare yourself silly.

Halloween in Greece
Ancient Greece had no end of costumed events and processions, but until recently, Halloween in Greece was almost non-existent.
Even now, it is mainly the expatriate community who will put on Halloween events for their children. Major hotels catering to the foreign traveler will often have some observance, though it may be no more than a special drink in the bar.

Halloween in Canada
Explore Canada's mysteries, ghost stories, and infamous crimes. Many cities and towns across Canada offer ghost walks, graveyard tours and other haunted outings not only at Halloween but throughout the year. And there are ghost walks in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario.

Halloween in Italy
Halloween, or All Saint's Eve, is becoming a popular day for costume parties and events in Italy. While the main holidays are still All Saints Day on November 1 and All Souls Day on November 2, the custom of celebrating Halloween is starting to take hold in many Italian cities.

Halloween costumes and decorations are on display in shop windows and can be found in many stores. Children's costume parties are mainly held during the day, but in the evening many nightclubs, bars, and restaurants now advertise special Halloween costume parties.

Halloween in Austria
In Austria, during the week of Seleenwoche (October 30 to November 8), people leave bread, water, and a lamp on a table before bedtime. In the past, it was believed these items welcomed dead souls.

Halloween in France
Unlike most nations of the world, Halloween is not celebrated by the French in order to honor the dead and departed ancestors. It is regarded as an "American" holiday in France and was virtually unknown in the country until around 1996.

Halloween in Sweden
In Sweden, Halloween is known as "Alla Helgons Dag" and is celebrated from October 31 until November 6. As with many other holidays, "Alla Helgons Dag" has an eve which is either celebrated or becomes a shortened working day. The Friday prior to All Saint's Day is a short day for universities while school-age children are given a day of vacation.

Halloween in Ireland
In Ireland, believed to be the birthplace of Halloween, the tradition is still celebrated as much as it is in the United States. In rural areas, bonfires are lit as they were in the days of the Celts and children dress up in costumes to spend the evening "trick-or-treating" in their neighborhoods. After the visiting, most people attend parties with neighbors and friends. At these parties, many games are played, including "snap-apple," in which an apple on a string is tied to a doorframe or tree, and players attempt to take a bite out of the suspended apple. In addition to bobbing for apples, parents often arrange treasure hunts with sweets or pastries as the "treasure." The Irish also play a card game where cards are laid face-down on a table with sweets or coins beneath them. When a child selects a card, he or she receives whatever prize might be found there.

A traditional food is eaten on Halloween called "barnbrack." This is a type of fruitcake which can be baked at home or store-bought. A muslin-wrapped treat is baked inside the cake which, so it is said, can foretell the future of the one who finds it. If the prize is a ring, then that person will soon be wed and a piece of straw means a prosperous year is forthcoming. Children are also known to play tricks upon their neighbors on Halloween night. One of which is known as "knock-a-dolly," where children knock on the doors of their neighbors but then run away before the door is opened.

A holiday will make different sense to people in different countries and cultures. Well. Happy Halloween!

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