What To Expect Chemical Peel Before And After

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As with every skin rejuvenation procedure, it's natural to become nervous and baffled on what are the events to be expected whenever arrived at chemical peel before and after the treatment. If your purpose is to reduce facial wrinkles, unequal skin pigmentation, precancerous skin growths or dull skin complexion, chemical peel is most probably the ideal treatment for you. This article provides insights on the common experiences which occurs prior to the actual treatment and some tips on post-treatment skin care.

During the preliminary session, your dermatologist will show you chemical peel before and after photos, at the same time explained how chemical peel can helps to remove skin imperfections and improves on your skin complexion. With chemical peel before and after pictures, you will also able to see the expected results after the treatment.

Therefore, it is important for you to provide accurate information of your medical history or other acne medications you are on. This will helps the dermatologist in determining if chemical peel is suitable for your skin problems.

If you have previously undergo other skin rejuvenation process, you must also emphasize to your skin doctor since it may affect the treatment results that you likely to achieve.

For TCA or phenol chemical peel, a pre-treatment skincare plan of 2 to 4 weeks is usually required so as to help to prepare your skin for best possible results.

Generally, symptoms of skin inflammation, itching, burning or skin swelling may be experienced after the treatment. As such, your dermatologist may utilized cream or lotion to soothe the pain sensation. In addition, you will also need to use a sunscreen every day and avoid direct sun exposure.

Over the next 2 weeks period, the new skin will be healing and you are given particular skincare directions to help maintain the results. Upon your skin has healed, you are able to determine the actual improvements through evaluating together with your chemical peel before and after pictures.

Tips On Post-Treatment Skincare

* Utilize a cold compress to ease any kind of skin discomfort like itching or inflammation

* Do not peel or scratch the layer of skin crust to avoid skin damages

* Apply moisturizer every day to maintain pores and skin dampness

* With deep or phenol chemical peel, the skin has a tendency to scab. Do not pick at the scabs because this may boost the risk of skin infection or discoloration

* In order to maintain the treatment outcomes, sun block should be utilized prior to your make-up

Chemical peel before and after photos provides clearer insight on the expected results for each different skin problems. If you are still uncertain what is a chemical peel or having doubts on whether you are a good candidate, fix an appointment with your dermatologist to find out more.

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