What does kids do in there leisure time?

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What does kids do in there leisure time?
Children bring bundle of joy to families. They are the pillars of happiness. It is in the hands of the parents to provide good atmosphere for ensuring proper growth of children.
Parents must always keep an eye of the child’s activity. They must be aware of the childs leisure activities. They must have an adequate check on childs play kid, school bag, friends and so on…
Parents must spend adequate time with there child and know their likes and dislikes.. First, the development of today’s society, the stronger the competition will. Only the most versatile people have bright prospects. Secondly, children are wasting their time on games. Instead, they may have some knowledge. In addition, classes can broaden their horizons..
The educational activities, if properly planned and carried out, play a fundamental role in building children’s characters. Education activities when carried out properly will surely boost up kids IQ and EQ level.
Parents can engage their child in extra circular activities like dancing, singing, make them learn some instruments, drawing classes, artery classes etc… Parents believe their children will benefit from these classes

But These days children spends More than two hours a day by watching television or playing computer games will put a child at greater risk for psychological problems, suggests a new study. The odds of significant psychological difficulties were about 60 percent higher for children spending longer than two hours a day in front of either screen compared with kids exposed to less screen time, the researchers report in the journal Pediatrics.

Girls are more skilled on computers - is said in the results of the research, conducted by Tesco Computers, informs BBC News. Diffident in front of computers are 6 percent of girls and 10 percent of boys.
By seven years 73 percent of girls can use search machines, and 62% - edit documents.
About 70% of teenagers confidently create a profile in a social network, 59% can download music, and 35% - to edit photos. This is the statistical information about girls and boys spent their time in internet. Parents must see to that internet is used for construction purpose rather than a destructive one.

Sangeetha is an expert author for Kids activity sheets, worksheets, phonics, homeschooling. For more information visit our site http://www.kidzpark.com/. Contact me at kidzpark1@gmail.com

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