What Does John Prescott Think Of Ed Miliband?

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It required a luxury cruise on a Cunard liner for John Prescott's candid feelings about Tony Blair, Grumpy Gordon Brown and Red Ed Miliband to be revealed.

Some 700 passengers on the Queen Mary 2 the Cunard flagship received the benefit of the fomer deputy prime minister's opinions on the last three Labour party leaders.

It is believed that the couple were offered the £40,000 cruise free in return for the peer to make two talks in the ships theatre.

I have no doubt that he will appreciate the tax implications and declare his earnings on his UK income tax return.

In his first talk before christmas he gave what fellow passengers called a stumbling performance at one stage dropping his papers and repeating what he had said.

However the second talk on the 2nd January was apparently a much improved and frank presentation, as the peer took questions from the audience.

In comments which are not at all surprising but may not be at all well received by the Labour party elite as he called Ed Miliband "Red Ed". Well I suppose he could have called him by some other nick name such as gromit which are often used to describe him. He attacked Ed Miliband for disowning Labour's history when in power. Miliband was after all part of that Governement.

Mr Brown was called a "miserable bugger" and a "cuckoo in the nest".

Lord Prescott gave a much more pleasant assessment of Tony Blair but as he was his deputy when Blair was Prime Minister that would be expected.

When asked about the abysmal result in the general election he did refer to the three televised debates and made the view that he hoped that politics was not going to become the next x factor.

Clearly Nick Clegg did really well on the television broadcasts as not that many people had heard about him followed by David Cameron who gave a credible performance but not as good as many expected from his performance as leader of the opposition at Prime Minister question times but poor Gordon Brown was sadly at the bottom.

Quite a few comments spring to mind about Lord Prescott.

John Prescott always hated the ruling class yet he accepted a peerage of which he so despied and loathed not so long ago.

To be fair was a good friend to the members of his Union but he had the benefit of the use of a grace and favour home which was courtesy of the Union.

He was always for the average working man but he paid his own council tax with your money and was caught out.

He always claimed to be a man of the people but he drove around in a luxury class Jaguar car in fact not just one but two Jaguars as he was known by the nick name "two Jags prescott". That is about as far from the working class as one could possibly get.

They used to say that the reason why Tony Blair wanted John Prescott as his deputy was simply that then his position as Prime Minister was safe!

Blair went to a rather exclusive school in Scotland yet he waged a class war against the Conservatives in his early days.

Blair preached socialism but now owns a great portfolio of property and receives millions in income for business consultancy, talks and speeches. He has links with an oil company that has earned an immense amount out of the invasion of Iraq.


The author writes many articles on politics and for more information please go to Ed Miliband.

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