What Causes Wrinkles and How Can You Heal Them?

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If you hate the way that aging is making you look, you may be very interested in knowing what causes wrinkles. If you know what causes wrinkles then healing wrinkles can be much easier and you can select the products which will work best for you.

In order to begin curing wrinkles, you need to understand how the skin works. This will help you understand what causes wrinkles and what compounds and ingredients can work best to get rid of them.

The skin is made up of several layers of tissue that contain different compounds and cells. They are held together by collagen bonds and are controlled by muscle movement. What causes wrinkles is when the collagen bonds deteriorate over time. This causes skin to lose its texture. Healing wrinkles can be accomplished by replacing collagen bonds and preventing muscles from moving.

Healing wrinkles can be accomplished easily through non surgical means. What causes wrinkles is partially caused by the movement of the muscles under the skin so preventing them from moving can help begin the process of healing wrinkles. There are medications which are injected into the wrinkled areas which paralyze the muscles and the process of healing wrinkles has begun.

There are also firming lotions. They work on what causes wrinkles by replacing collagen bonds so that the skin holds together better and does not slide or wrinkle. Reducing wrinkles can also be accomplished using moisturizers which plump underlying skin cells. While it is not exactly curing wrinkles, it can help target what causes wrinkles in the first place and makes the skin look fresher and younger.

There is another major factor in what causes wrinkles. This is sun damage. Sun damage is caused by UVA and UVB radiation that accelerates aging. Healing wrinkles caused by sun damage can be accomplished through the use of anti-oxidant rich beauty products. They bond with free radicals that damage skin and neutralize them. Healing wrinkles can then begin as well as the prevention of new wrinkles.

If you are truly interested in what causes wrinkles, you should know that much of what causes wrinkles is a part of our day to day lives. From chemicals in the air and diet to sun exposure and the natural breakdown of skin over time, learning what causes wrinkles in your skin can help select the products which will help you start curing wrinkles before you know it.

Click Here and discover effective healing wrinkles that diminishes fine lines, dry skin, and other signs of aging.

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