What can You Do to Protect Earth's Biodiversity?

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Biodiversity refers to the variety of species and habitats that interact to create our planet. Global warming, loss of habitat and of certain species are threatening our very existence.

Human activity is responsible for much of the loss of biodiversity currently being experienced. Natural extinction is being accelerated by human populations wiping out entire ecosystems for development and single crop farming. Destroying naturally diverse vegetation destroys the life sustained by that habitat. We already know the effects of deforestation on global warming, but do we stop to think about the thousands of animal and insect species that are affected?

Each part of an ecosystem interacts with itself, but that ecosystem in turn interacts with other systems. Any disturbance to the dynamics of one system can and does have an effect on the other systems it interacts with. Global warming is a contributing factor in loss of biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity adds to global warming. Humans need to share the responsibility of fighting both. Apart from lobbying national and local government to introduce initiatives and programs to preserve biodiverse areas, there are things we can do in our own homes that will make a difference.

- reuse and recycle wherever possible
- save water, energy and fuel, find out how at http://www.green-community.info/green_products/save_home_energy.php
- remove invasive species from your garden
- plant a water-wise, indigenous garden
- build a pond, bird boxes and plant wildflowers to attract wildlife, birds and insects into your garden
- grow your own organic vegetables
- use environmentally friendly pesticides and household cleaning products, find them here http://www.green-community.info/green_products/green_clean_book.php
- buy products that support sustainable development projects
- support local initiatives like river clean-ups and wetland restoration
- use renewable energy sources
- don't buy hardwood products from unsustainable sources
- when on vacation, don't buy coral, shells and ivory or animal skins
- visit nature reserves - your entrance fee helps sustain the reserve
- support wildlife conservation organisations, with donations of time or money, like this one http://www.green-community.info/green_articles/vultures.php

- petition against unfettered development and industrial creep
- report pollution to the relevant authorities.

Teach your children to value our planet's natural resources, care for the environment and all its inhabitants. Small steps taken by many today will add up to giant leaps in our future.

Take the first step today, and start protecting our planet's biodiversity now. For more green tips, green news and green products, visit http://www.green-community.info Taking small steps to make a big difference in our future!

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