Western History As Relating To Islam

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Islam was always considered an Eastern religion and one that not too many people knew much about until recently when it comes to Western history. In the Western cultures, Christianity was considered the most common religion, with different facets of this religion permeating each culture. However, there were factors that played a significant role when it came to Islam in Western history, including fighting for control over certain areas of the world, such as Jerusalem, that pitted the two religions against one another.

Certain Christian religions dominated certain Western cultures for hundreds of years. In the United States, which is considered a secular nation where all religions can be practiced, Christianity was dominant, particularly protestant Christianity as opposed to Catholicism. The Bill of Rights in this country welcomes all who want to worship and allows them to worship as they please.

In other countries, such as the United Kingdom, religion played a more dominant role in culture as well as schooling. Those who attend school in the United Kingdom learn the teachings of The Church of England and a morning prayer was part of the daily routine. Much has changed by way of Western civilization, however, and many countries have become more secular when it comes to beliefs with fewer people attending Christian churches. Today, Islam is the fastest growing religion as well as the largest religion in the world.

Those who practice Islam have located to various Western countries such as the United States and England. These countries are now seeing Mosques built for Muslims as well as private schools that teach Islam to students. In the United States, there are many private Christian and Catholic schools, but there is a growing presence of Muslim schools as well. Students in the United States can attend private schools that do not take federal or state funds, or public schools that take federal and state funds.

There is a growing outcry in the United States regarding teaching Islam in public schools. This is recent when it comes to Western history and is becoming more dominant in society today. The face of Western history is changing to accommodate those who practice the Islamic faith and even public schools in the United States are adapting many of their ideals and traditions to accommodate Muslim students. For example, schools where there is a significant Muslim population will eliminate traditional holidays such as Valentines Day, because it is offensive to Islamic teachings. United States schools and culture have long since gone secular when it comes to any Christian religion based holidays, such as Christmas, to the point where this is not even mentioned in any school literature, despite the fact that the day itself is a federal holiday where banks, post offices and most stores are closed. Schools are traditionally closed around this time of the year for two weeks, although this is no longer referred to as Christmas break, but Winter break.

The push towards eliminating Christianity and a trend towards catering to Muslim traditions has been growing in recent years in many western countries that are modifying their own traditions to promote multi-cultured Islamic teachings.

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Those who follow Western history can see a growing trend towards eliminating traditional practices in favor of Islam practices. To learn more about how Islam is changing the face of the west, go to Western Civilisation.

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