Weight Loss Support Group Advice - Critical Facts You Need to Know

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Losing weight is a journey that is best achieved with a companion. There are just too many obstacles that an individual would find difficult to hurdle alone. If you workout on your own, it would be too easy to just skip your daily exercise when you don't feel like doing it. If you're on a dieting regimen on your own, it's easy to just dip your hands in the cookie jar when no one is looking. The problem with going solo where fat loss is concerned is that you are accountable to no one.

If you were working under a personal trainer, for example, you would be motivated to show up for your appointments and follow the exercise and dietary regimen set for you. Aside from the fact that you are paying your trainer (which makes it enough motivation in itself), being accountable to someone heightens your sense of personal responsibility. Thus, you are able to stick with your regimen, at least until your personal trainer is around.

A weight loss support group takes this a step further. A group of like-minded people going through the same problem can be a very powerful motivational force to keep you on the road to weight loss. With your shared stories, you can find lessons and strength in each other to keep on going. A typical weight loss support group would also hold weigh-ins among its members so that everyone is encouraged to keep in losing weight. If you are not yet a member of any group, you should consider finding one today.

One of the best places to start looking for a weight loss support group in your area is the Internet. For a fee, you can join commercial groups. The advantage of these groups is that they are relatively more organized compared to those online groups that are free. Another option for you would be to call up an Alcoholics Anonymous group nearby. They will most likely be able to refer you to an Overeaters Anonymous group in your locality. Don't forget to keep in touch with friends and colleagues who have gone through the same thing and inquire if they know of a support group or can recommend you to one.

As a last resort, when your support group-hunting efforts have failed, you can always start your own. Make flyers and post them in conspicuous areas. Ask for ideas from your fitness instructor as to what your program should be like. You can also research this online. Scour websites and blogs and get your group known online. If there is really no weight loss group nearby, you can expect a handful to attend your first meeting. Also, you can encourage more people to attend your support group if you set your first meeting in a public place such as in a park or local field. From here, you can ask for other venues, if that is necessary. Be sure to serve healthy food during these meetings. You can also begin your first meeting with a weigh in. However, make sure that the weigh-in is a personal choice. If a participant is not yet comfortable about his or her weight, don't force.

Group discussions should be a vital part of your group. It should be a time when participants can vent out their anger and others can offer support or encouragement.

Looking for a great way to lose weight? Read these Shakeology reviews and this article called "Shakeology vs. Slim Fast".

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