We are opening the doors of politics for youth : Rahul Gandhi

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January 18 2010,
Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi begins two-day tour of Madhya Pradesh and launches membership drive for NSUI.While interacting with student in Gwalior he said....

"Do not join politics simply for fulfilling your ownexpectations and any related benefits, but for meeting others'expectations by way of raising their issues and doing the needful,"
He was interacting with students of LN University of PhysicalEducation in Gwalior on Monday morning, on the occasion of launchingmembership drive for party's frontal organization, National StudentsUnion of India (NSUI) in the state.
Taking further ahead his mission aiming to democratize the process of active participation of the youth across the country in the frontal organizations of the party, Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi began his two-day tour of Madhya Pradesh on Monday. These two days, Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi would interact
with students to launch membership drive for NSUI, the students' body of the Congress party.

Beginning from Gwalior since Monday morning, his visits would cover Sagar, Jabalpur and Bhopal on first day. On concluding following day on Tuesday, after interacting with the media persons in Bhopal in the morning at 9 am, he would visit Indore in the state. After that, he would leave for Goa, for the membership drive. No wonder, seeing him as ‘one like them', barriers of any kind for the large gathering of students just vanished and they (students) were in rapt attention for Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi to lead them from the front.
From the interaction with the students presents, it was quite evident that a new era in frontal organizations of the Congress has already begun, with "nominations being a thing of the past and only elected people to man these set-ups", for impacting positively and
fruitfully the politics of the country, in the years to come. On being asked as who all could join NSUI and Youth Congress, Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi told the large gathering of students that any one who was not criminal and also not from non-secularaffiliations, could become members of these frontal outfits of theparty.

Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi to a query raised on the occasion as what the party could do for those who are keen to join politics, he responded that one has to become a member and then fight organizational elections and in case of being elected, the
organization would help him/her to understand the political issues and also, as how to go about in political sense, for positive and effective impact at all social levels. The message from the Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi for the student community here was loud and clear that from now on, leadership would not be imposed in the frontal organizations (Youth Congress and NSUI) from the top and there will be no paratroopers.
Already, in many states like Punjab, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, the process of
democratizing the frontal organizations has already been put in place, with no exception to the upper age limit being 35 years, for both the frontal set-ups of the party.
Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi during his two-day extensive tour of Madhya Pradesh and also of Goa, would be interacting with younger generation, to steer ahead his nation-wide mission for membership drive through democratic process in the party's frontal organizations.

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