Water Saving Tips For Your Home

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Water is a precious resource that we sometimes take for granted. Because of this not only are our water bills higher than ever, but the world is taking a huge blow because of this. Here are several water conservation tips you can apply to your bathroom and comfort rooms that can lower your water bills and save precious water from going to waste:


1.The bathroom accounts for one of the most huge consumption of water in a household. Members of the family shower in the morning, draw a warm bath in the evening, wash their face and brush their teeth more than three times a day and spend a lot of time doing it too. This is why this is the best place to plan how to save water. We're not saying that you stop bathing entirely to conserve water, but at least cut the time you spend in the shower. Some people enjoy bathing a little to much as it's a time to relax and sink in the warm tub or happily sing to their hearts content. Did you know that you can save more than 100 gallons per month just by lowering your shower time by 3-5 mins?

2. Face the facts: the bathroom consumes around 20%-30% of your total indoor water use, added to that is the energy it consumes because majority of the houses in the United States have built-in water heaters. While you try to reduce your water consumption, you can also lessen the unavoidable cost of home water heating.

3. Try to check your shower heads, determine how old it is. Like any other appliance, the older it gets, the higher the risk of it not functioning properly. Shower heads that are 8-10 years old should be replaced for newer ones. The older the shower head, the higher its flow rate is, and the more water is wasted.

Comfort Rooms

1. The adage "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" isn't to be taken quite literally. It only means that we should never take these toilets for granted. Water consumption goes higher with each flush, as common toilet systems use around 1.6 gallons to 5 gallons of water. There are toilets available in the market that use a gallon or less. You can check it out and see if installing a new toilet would solve your water problems.

2. Do a once-a-month or twice-a-month check-up of all water pipes, including your toilet tanks, for leaks. Leaks are like an unseen enemy that can takes a huge toll on your water bills, without you ever knowing a thing. Check if your reliable plumber can do a toilet tank leak test. Or you can also see if your home improvement stores carry the leak test packs. It's quite is easy to do as long as you stick to the instructions given.

3. One of the best trick that people should be doing to their toilet is adding a some weight inside the tank. Some people do the brick-trick, and some the soda pop bottle-trick. Get an ordinary brick that is heavy but fits well into your tank. For the soda pop, fill it with water and close the cap very tightly and put it in the tank. Both of the weights help in lessening the water that the tank needs, and you will use less water per flush.

There are many conservation ideas out there, and these are just few of the most effective ones that are cost-friendly, helps saves nature and will really lower the dreaded water bills.

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