Water another major problem

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Imagine now we are being told the water tables in the lakes rivers and streams are dropping.

What impact do you think this will have on society and the life of the human race?
What will happen to the Ecosystem for the fish habitat, the trout and the salmon that spawn in the fresh water, and rivers? Will all the fishing for sport and commercial be gone? Will there be any fish left in the world? What will we do if the fish are gone, as this will devastate the whole Ecosystem? Will life continue?
What caused this?

Will some professional people decide to eliminate many on this earth similar to what the Papacy did many years back, (Thinking they are God) so that the human race will continue? Will it be done by deceit where they will poison you unsuspectingly and call it a virus or some form of a flu, or will they just start another world war? That could also eliminate the human race.

Strange how the professionals are always telling everyone to get a swine flu shot, be prepared. Is this setting a stage for a future event yet to happen. With great consequences,
With all the troubles coming on this earth, who or what can one believe?

When you see many places like in the southern United States is becoming a drought and they are getting in trouble where in the summer there is strict rationing of water for gardens and lawns.

What will that do for fire fighting? What will that do for drinking water? The changes are slow but sure, We may be able to over come this through technology. But if technology can't keep up, what happens next?

Will a bully appear and push his way to where there is water? Will they say to themselves we need your water whether you like it or not? And will they just use their war machines and take over so they have the right to live and you won't? Will they hurt you to their pleasure to keep their life style? If they start a war will the hidden agenda be in the hopes of ridding the world of population to back up a few years so only those who have an education will survive. Thinking that the poor will always be around and we can take advantage of those left when all is said and down.

You thought it was going to be devastating when you hear of the arctic ice melting and you never thought to think of water here and now could cause a future problem?

Now we got two major problems occurring at the same time. Water receding in the lakes and rivers while the arctic melts and this will surely flood the coasts.

So who do we blame this on?

Well there is fossil fuels the number one culprit, Then trace that back to the next layer of headaches. Which is the corporate companies out to make a profit. Well there should not be a problem with that. Oh but there is an underlying fire burning there. Have you given it a thought of how many people have money invested in these companies? Have you given it a thought what these people would do if all of a sudden these companies went and stop production of their products? These people would go ballistic. But someone has to tell these people they are going to have to change their ways and opinions whether they like it or not.

These are not the only people who will have to change their way. When you have an attitude of gimme get, not one of these people will be willing to give up their ways or their possessions to allow others to live. Facts do not lie. Look at the papacy and what they did many years back, look at what people do when their property and life styles is being encroached on? They all want to be number one and live a life without working, they want to be King. Just like the Pope imitating as a false Christ.

They KILL you whether you like it or not. They will defend with every known source they can muster. Mentally they are all deficient and have no love in their heart as what God has originally put in the heart of the human being.

If you read this and are offended then you are also part of the problem! But remember to that it's people like you who are killing life on this earth.Keep buying oil products and you will continue to support Terrorists. The irony of it all! There is a way out.
David Chura, research investigator, field of CMA energy, Buy oil support Terrorism or before it's to late STOP global warming and stop climate change or you will be donating to the middle east terrorist funds! Who supplies their funds for weapons? Prove your not!

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