Wake Up America

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Our country has so many problems yet we are still giving money away freely to other country which increases our debt. We are sending soldiers over to Afghanistan, before that Iraq and how much is this costing us? I have heard it said that the cost is $1 million per soldier. How insane is that? Another figure I saw was that the cost per soldier whether they are in Iraq or Afghanistan is about $275,000 per year.

The only way we could justify this is if there was no homelessness, poverty, or welfare in the US. When did they fix all this? Why wasn't I told? Never saw anything on the news about this. I know, Obama has this as a top secret project. Our country is doing so well that there really is no unemployment. This is just something they give the news to keep them busy.

I was reading somewhere that Ben Franklin gave the states the power to dissolve the federal government. Is the US government performing in the best interest of the people? I think a lot of the laws we have were created by officials for those officials. Meaning that a lot of laws are there to protect our official's. Official's meaning anybody who holds an office in our government.

The first thing that needs to be done is the repairing of our country. The money that we spend in some overseas excursion should instead be kept in this country for this country. The money that is now spent for wars in other countries could instead go to ending homelessness, welfare, the unemployed, etc.. My wife still can't get medical insurance. She is an unemployed student. Medicaid keeps turning her down. There needs to be some type of zero cost insurance for people without any income. What about a special grant just to give students medical insurance?

A great source of information that has also been of great benefit to me is one of my friends on Facebook. She has signed several petitions not to dissolve our government but to bring all of outr soldiers back home and to stop spending and giving our money beyond US borders. There are plenty of causes here that could benefit. The money needs to be spent on our people, the citizens of The United States of America. We need to say in one voice NO MORE. Look for the Facebook profile of "Waking Up America ".

Where does our country get all of this money to spend beyond our borders? They are getting this money from us, its citizens. It's called Taxes. The Boston Tea Party needs to happen again but this time in protest to our government and the pain they are causing for its people. It's costing us 6 or 7 figures for each soldier overseas and how much would it cost to house 1 homeless family? Maybe 5 figures? For the cost of 1 soldier we could help 10 homeless families. Wake up America, you have been sleeping far too long.
Jeffrey has over 2 decades experience in the business world. When he writes he blends his unique wit and humour into every article which if you rread his blog you can see all of his many works. http://www.nosugarcoating.info/facts

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