Video Phone blessing or curse?

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In a society where staying connected the old fashion way seems nearly impossible, we keep on seeking ever changing ways to communicate without being present face to face, but is that really such a bad thing? Many people may argue that this new wave of technology is causing a great divide in our society, saying that we have evolved into less personable people. Some however revel in the fact that they can see and speak to loved ones even though they are countries apart. People, who have been on the brink of death, have been saved because of the advancement of modern technology. Either way you choose to see this modern explosion of technology, you’re either going to spend money on this technology or make money on this technology.

Along with making money, wouldn’t it be great if you could enrich people’s lives, help them achieve some of their goals? Every single human being alive on the face of the earth today has that opportunity. There is something magical and powerful about seeing the person live as you speak with them on the telephone. It’s the next best thing to having them in your office, living room, or right in front of you. Then why is it that only 34% of Skype calls even use video? Perhaps because people only really pay attention while they themselves are talking, but make mock jesters of killing themselves while secretly laughing while another person looks on, we have all been guilty.

On the business end of the equation using video conference calling as part of your marketing and communication strategy, you will save your company time and money. Video conferencing is on great demand as more and more companies realize the potential it has to cut costs and produce a streamlined networking structure within their organization. Even if your company is global and you have offices in many different countries, video conferencing is the tool for you. This would cut costs for phone communication, travel, hotels and so much more, it really is mind blowing. All this for a low monthly fee! I use video conferencing for my organization and it works great! I use video conferencing on a small scale of probably on average 20 to 40 people each time. You don’t need to have a huge global enterprise of a business to use this technology. In fact, video conferencing is commonly used by small to medium sized businesses more so. Any company can benefit in using this tool even if you are geographically all in the same place. You can link offices from all in the same building or a group of buildings close by. Either way, large or small organization, you are going to save lots of time and money.

If you don’t have a clue on how to save money on your telecom bill, then I would suggest you go to

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines and active hyperlinks. Modesto Colon is an expert in telecommunications, and has marketed dozens of telecom products and services. He has participated in helping many in this telecom industry. He has devoted himself to the study of this art of communications, and enjoys imparting the "lessons learned" to other like-minded individuals. To find out more info, you can

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What can I say; I’m a believer and a dreamer. I believe in the law of attraction, which is that absolutely ANYTHING is possible in life. The world is yours if you believe in yourself and the world is just simply my playground where I create freedom, joy, abundance, and prosperity for myself, and all those who I come in contact with. Even knowing that I would be successful and be a leader, I have had many hard times and failures. That time of failure, and defeat, taught me MORE about who I am then almost anything else. The reason why is… because I NEVER stopped. Then I was approached with an opportunity that changed my entire life forever! I began to pursue my dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur. And that is why I am here today…to help others save money. I consider it my Job to help people! Even in my time of hopelessness or despair….I NEVER stopped working on achieve my goal to help others and to become successful. And now I’d like to share my savings and success with the entire world.


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