True Beauty - Inner Beauty. What is It?

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I was watching Jessica Simpson on the Oprah Winfrey show yesterday. Jessica Simpson's career started as a squeaky clean character, but wealth and celebrity catapulted her into the lime light and the scrutiny of everybody. The snappers are every where she is going, and there relentless pursuits have taken away her liberties and her capabilities to live a normal life.

With all this has come the remarks of her weight, and her personal life. Jessica Simpson is a particularly attractive girls. She told Oprah that her current dress size is four. 4! She said that the largest she is's ever been is a size 6. I'm sorry people, but that's not fat!

One of the most sexy ladies the world has ever known was Marilyn Monroe. She was an actress and a ladies that was the dreams of thousands of men. Talk about beauty, Marilyn Monroe had it all. Let me tell you what her dress size was. Are you ready for this....twelve. Yes, I announced 12! If Jessica Simpson is considered fat at a size six, what would Marilyn Monroe be considered today? She would probably be thought of as overweight.

The attacks on Jessica Simpson as fat and the stereotype of how all ladies should look today has just destroyed and rubbed out the self image and the self worth of a massive majority of girls in the world today.

My girl has suffered with bulimia since she was in high-school. She's been hospitalized 2 times for this problem. She's now 20 6 years old and still has not gotten into her head how beautiful she is. She is , what I consider, a tiny person, and more than this. She has the qualities of what real beauty is all about. The inner beauty of the soul. Ironic, her name is also Jessica.

My better half was going thru some photos the other day, and found some of her when we were much younger. She was in a swimsuit, and she was looking hot. Reminding me of one of the explanations why I was so drawn to her. I brought something to her remembrance that she had forgotten. I announced," can you remember honey how you thought you looked so fat back than?" She just silently shook her head in harmony. My spouse has always been nervous about her outward appearance and looks back than and still is today.

The world's view on beauty has changed a lot since the times of Marilyn Monroe. It's become a huge industry. The beauty supplies and dieting industry has become a nearly a hundred billion dollar per year industry. Forcing their impractical images of how a ladies is meant to look on all girls. I don't care what you say or how old you are this industry is risky to the health and well being of all girls today. I don't know why more women's organizations aren't speaking out against this industry.

women are made far differently than men. Pardon me, but we are not created equal. That has been the largest presupposition I've ever heard. Men are usually bigger, stronger, and we definitely don't think alike. Girls are typically more emotional than men are. Why has the constant battering of these tabloids against Jessica Simpson been such a dire and emotional experience for her? They are just words. They are not picturing the true beauty that's in Jessica Simpson, but she doesn't accept that. Like so many ladies today, they've been fooled into believing all those lies. They haven't taken the time to look deep within themselves and see the genuine person that's in there.

If you were looking at marriage photographs that you attended or were in, I'll just about guarantee the man would search for himself. He would like to find out how cool or uncool he looks, but the lady is taking a look at all of the other ladies. She is doing some comparisons. She wants to discover how all of the others are looking and how she stacks up to them.

All of these lies feed into the already extraordinarily unbalanced and very doubtful self picture of all women. The beauty and fitness industry just capitalizes on this weakness and manipulates it right into their bank accounts .

ladies, you are splendidly and fantastically made by God. He gave you all of the physical attributes that attracts men to you, but much more is the inner beauty of the soul that no man can ever accomplish too. The power to birth new life and to like and nurture that life into a full and mature homo sapien. That's what makes you far different from men. Don't buy into the lies of the media and the industry that asserts you have to be a size four to look great. Look into the inner part of you. That is's who you really are. That's what makes you, you. Because true beauty is inner beauty of the heart. You have that. Find it and accentuate who you really are.

Brian Gosur is an entrepreneur and a coach to other entrepreneurs of internet marketing strategies and techniques. To learn more about Brian visit; Brian Gosur

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