Top 5 Reasons To Get Your Teeth Cleaned

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While most people have grown up under the impression that cleaning their teeth is good, why is it that we clean our teeth? My Mother used to tell me every night, make sure to brush your teeth. In all reality I usually did, although there were a few times when I didn't brush my teeth, I've had relatively few cavities. So here we go the Top 5 Reasons to Brush Your Teeth.

1 - Clean Teeth Will Save You Money--Dentists spend a fortune on dental school and they use the newest and latest technology in their dental services. This costs money and thus dentists charge money to get your teeth cleaned. The better you clean your teeth the less you'll have to visit the dentist and thus the more money you'll have to spend on the things you'd like to.

2 - Clean Teeth Will Keep You Healthy--the less your mouth hurts the better and healthier you'll live. Like the ancient proverb says a clean and healthy mouth equals a clean and healthy life. In fact the cleaner your teeth the more healthy food you will eat. Current research says that the better your mouth stays clean the more healthy food you'll eat.

3 - Cavities Hurt--a cavity is a small crevasse in your tooth. When sugar particles have time to hang around your teeth they start to eat away at the enamel and get to the inside of your tooth. If it grows a big enough hole then you'll start to feel aches and pains, that's because your tooth's nerve is getting twanged by a potential cavity.

4 - Clean Teeth Are Beautiful--Clean teeth are beautiful. When is the last time you looked at someone with really bad teeth and said, wow they are beautiful. Chances are probably never. Clean white teeth help bring the radiance and beauty of your face to the world. Plus when you have clean teeth you smile more and thus appear to be more beautiful because everyone knows a smiling person is a beautiful person.

5 - Clean Teeth Will Help You In Old Age--while not all of us are over 70 years old but when you start to age, the sad news is you will start to lose your teeth. The cleaner your teeth are over the years the more likely you'll be able to keep your teeth. You want as many teeth as you have throughout your life so keep your teeth clean and you'll be able to enter old age better prepared.

Clean teeth will help you in all aspects of your life. So keep your teeth clean and visit your dentist on a regular basis. You want your teeth to be as white as the Anchorage Alaska Snow.

If you'd like to learn more about dentistry and clean teeth visit Dr. Steve Howard and you'll be able to see the latest technology and tips on how to keep your teeth cleaned. You can also learn more about Teeth Whitening.

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