Top 4 Reasons For Failure With the HCG Diet

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The HCG diet is a comprehensive medical breakthrough in the weight loss industry. Lately this diet has been growing more and more as the place to turn to when trying to lose weight with minimal effort. Reports show repeatedly over and over that people sticking to the diet will lose 1-2 pounds a day. Well what happens when you don't lose that pound, what happens when you don't lose anything for several days? The information contained below is meant to help those that have been on the diet before to determine the reasons of any struggles that could persist through taking the HCG diet drops along with the 500 calorie diet.

*4 - Cheating! Simply put, it's cheating on the diet. What if your intake of calories was 700 instead of 500? Even though it is such a small amount what this forces your body to do is now that you are producing 700 calories your body shifts to start pulling your energy from your calories again. The whole purpose of the HCG diet is to shift the bodies' efforts to pull your energy from stored fat deposits. Even if you're just slightly above the 500 calorie intake then it will change the source on where the body will pull its energy from.

*3- The wrong types of calories and proteins. When on the HCG diet we commonly see the word protein and immediately think steak, pork, beef, and other meats high in fat content. While it is ok to have these in extremely small rations it should not be looked at as a main course because of the volume of fat content found in these types of meats. When thinking of main courses for proteins in our meals, fish, chicken, and lean types of beef become much better and healthier method along with providing our bodies an easier job to burn the stored fat we are trying to lose.

*2- Constipation. One of the most common side effects of the HCG diet is constipation. When we don't lose weight for several days and we aren't using the bathroom as often this could be to blame and it is recommended that while on the HCG diet that natural colon cleansing methods are applied regularly to promote the body to pass our stools

*1 - Lack of consistency, whether it be with taking our HCG diet drops or calorie intake. This is probably one of the most common reasons of people not to lose weight on the HCG diet. When the menu calls for a 1 serving of vegetables, 1 serving of fruit, and a protein we often substitute other foods to fill in for the ones we don't want. Or we succumb to our temptations and substitute another fruit instead of the vegetable. The body demands a specific balance and any deficiency will force the body to pull its energy from other sources. For example, fruits have a large amount of natural sugar. If we double up on the natural amount of sugar then the body will begin to shift to pull our energy from that source, as a result our body will burn through it very quickly and then as a result we will start to get hungry, and our body will demand a higher intake of calories. Our body while on the HCG diet is in a state of deficiency, if the balance is knocked off even just a little bit for one day, it can throw off the results by a large amount for days to come.

We wish you luck in your venture while you're on the HCG diet and hope you found this information helpful! For more helpful hints on the Homeopathic HCG please visit us at our website.

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