Todays Generation Make-Up Products

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Die eyeball is four times with 0.5 millimeters thinner than other facial skin. With every blink and every movement of the pupils are up to 22 muscles claimed - and that more than 10,000 times a day.

Normally, the collagen contained in the skin makes sure that the features remain tight despite such constraints. But over time, decreases collagen production. At the age of 30 years, the first wrinkles appear - particularly around the eyes. This issue will work against the providers of eye creams. We were interested whether the creams can not look like the skin rather old. Therefore, we have 23 products can be examined for contaminants.

The test result

Four eye creams receive the top rating of "very good", five new products we can evaluate as "good".

trigger fragrances that cause allergies may have been detected in all "good" creams. Of the 14 substances, the allergy-triggering effect has been documented in studies. You need an EU Directive stipulates that the future be declared in cosmetics.

An environmentally damaging packaging we criticize the Alverde Eye Cream Eyebright, the Faces Eye Gel for all skin types and the wild rose jojoba Hormocenta eye cream. They are in excess shipping cases. The Avocado Eye Wrinkle Cream by Martina Gebhardt gets a minus point, as this pack contains bakelite, a plastic that requires for its production of formaldehyde is a suspected carcinogenic and non-recyclable.

Not included in the "very good" and "good" products questionable additives such as formaldehyde / secede, diethyl phthalate, aniline dye, or possibly hormonal effects in UV filter. Also controversial additives such as halogenated organic compounds or PEG / PEG-derivatives were not detected. The same is true for polycyclic musk compounds. Cheap additives such as more than 10% paraffin / petroleum products / silicones in the lipid phase were responsible for the laboratories in the "very good" and "good" eye creams also do not.

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