Tips To Improve Your Conflict Resolution Skills

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Any place where people come together is a place of potential conflict. Disagreements are common and usually resolve themselves. However, when they grow into conflicts, action to resolve them is required to prevent the issue from escalating and causing serious damage. Here are some tips to help in resolving conflicts.

* The first thing to do is identify the areas of conflict clearly and to get all the parties to agree to the issues involved. This will define the parameters of the resolution process and keep it more focused.

* Set up a schedule for meetings and a time frame for completing the resolution.

* Invite and answer questions in detail.

* Accept any changes in the process that may be suggested and to which all the parties agree unless there is a valid reason not to accept it. If so, that should be explained. It is import that everyone is satisfied with the process to be adopted.

* Once the issues have been agreed to, give the parties involved a little time to cool off and to think of the situation they are in and its implications. This will allow for calmer responses and more positive reactions to the resolution process.

* Begin the conflict resolution process by allowing each party to express their grievances. Invite discussion on the implications. Often this clarification of the opposing parties’ fears can cause compromises to be made and assurances to be given that will ease the resolution process.

* While the issues involved in the dispute may be interrelated try, as far as possible, to establish a logical step by step approach to examining and discussing each issue. Try and focus on the issues where there is the least disagreement. Resolving these issues will reduce the size of the conflict and foster a positive atmosphere.

* As each issue is resolved, ensure that all the parties agree to the required course of action within a defined time frame.

* Remember that conflict resolution is not a legal process. The aim is not to identify winners and losers. It is to find areas of compromise where all those involved are satisfied with the outcome.

* Ensure that discussions are conducted in a serious and dignified manner and that no acrimony or rudeness is allowed. Do not be afraid of injecting a little humor into the proceedings if lightening the atmosphere will help.

Author Bio:
The Stitt Feld Handy Group offers mediation and arbitration services through ADR Chambers. The Group also provides training in negotiation, Dispute Resolution Courses and Mediation Workshop involve a combination of case studies demonstrations, and videos.

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