Tips for beginner photographers

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Professional photographers are often asked what their favorite cameras or lens is. A point and shoot camera (P&S) can produce great family photos, if you are serious about photography you should get a DSLR camera. What you see through the viewfinder in a DSLR camera is what you get in the final picture - as opposed to the P&S camera, which isn’t always 100% accurate. Also, with P&S cameras there is a time lapse from when you click and when the picture is it is actually taken. This does not happen with the DSLR. It is instant.

Another advantage of the DSLR is the ability to interchange lenses. A wildlife photographer can achieve long focal lengths and get closer to the action, the portrait photographer can use a medium length lens for their subjects and an interiors photographer can get wide angles, which are impossible to achieve with a normal camera. If what you want is a camera for holiday or family snapshots, you can make do with a normal P& S camera, but if you want to get creative, a professional camera with a variety of settings will give you more freedom to explore new angles, ways of focusing your subject and many other techniques.

By composing your shots at a close distance you can emphasize your subject. By being selective and avoiding unnecessary clutter you can also bring new life to an otherwise boring image. Experiment with new angles and don’t always stick to the usual eye level shot.

Lighting and weather conditions are very important to photography – as they can help either make your picture amazing or boring. Blue clear skies will give nice crisp light, particularly in the early morning or late evening before sunset. Experienced landscape photographers should be able to read weather patterns and prepare for the shot they have in mind before the right light appears. This is an instinct that can only be developed by experience. In places like Dubai, where the weather can be hazy during the hot months, you should avoid outdoor photography.

Another issue is money. Photography is an expensive hobby. In the very competitive photography market, camera and lens equipment prices and quality are very much related. The more you spend the higher the quality of equipment. But be careful not to think that by having the most expensive equipment you will become a better photographer - this is never the case, as photographs taken with the simplest of cameras can be achieve great results in the hands of a talented photographer.

Whatever equipment you decide to purchase you should get familiar with it by reading the instructions. Once you know your equipment move away from the computer and step out into a new world that is waiting to be snapped. Photography is an art where you have to be constant if you want to improve. Be bold and never hesitate to chase the subject you have in mind, visualize the shot before you take it. Think before you shoot - that is the secret to great images.

Log on for Fashion Photography , Portrait Photography in Dubai.

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