Three Reasons Why Lashem Has The Best Lengthening Mascara

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There are many types of mascara available on the market that claim to lengthen eyelashes, increase volume and provide lasting effects. It's no wonder that consumers regularly feel confused, mislead and frustrated when trying to locate and determine the best lengthening mascara. Lashem has a line of natural cosmetics. One of these products is the, "Double Trouble Mascara." This mascara has the edge over other cosmetics. It's a just as much a treatment to lengthen lashes as it is a beauty enhancer. It provides volume, length and it's natural. These features easily makes it stand out over the competition, and seals its position as the best lengthening mascara, for its ability to provide an effective treatment and a beautiful look.

A Mascara that Treats Short and Brittle Lashes

Most mascara in the cosmetic industry focuses on hiding the fact that lashes are short. Double Trouble Mascara comes with two sides so that you never have to choose between length and volume. The volumizing feature works toward actually filling out the eyelashes, instead of just hiding them behind makeup. The formula is created to protect and rejuvenate eyelashes so that with every use the lashes become thicker and stronger. This vastly differs from most cosmetics where every use contributes to damage and deterioration.

Provides Lustrous Volume

In addition to lengthening and strengthening lashes, the Double Trouble mascara will also provide a dark black color to accentuate the growing lashes with a dramatic finishing touch of unsurpassable beauty. The lengthening side to the mascara never clumps and glides on to eyelashes smoothly and without any fuss. The applicator contains flexible cotton fibers which wrap lashes and create an irresistible curl, without the use of uncomfortable and pinching eyelash curlers. The formula can easily be used by women who are also using Measureable Difference Lash Gel to grow their eyelashes, as it is removed easily, and is safe for sensitive and growing eyelashes.

It's Natural

The Lashem line of cosmetics focuses their core values on promoting natural beauty with natural products. The Double Trouble Mascara, Measureable Difference Lash Gel, 3-in-1 Eye Bright Gel and Picture Perfect Anti-Aging Cream has been created without the use of damaging chemicals and is safe to use on sensitive skin. All products have been clinically tested and have shown to promote fast and lasting results.

How to use Double Trouble Mascara

For best results apply the volumizing mascara first to clean lashes. Next, apply the black lengthening formula to finish the look and treatment. The Double Trouble mascara is the ideal lengthening mascara because it provides both a length and volume solution, while guaranteeing a natural approach to beauty.

Lashem's Double Trouble Mascara is the best lengthening mascara and it's offered at an affordable price. For the best results use the mascara in combination with the eyelash growth treatment, "Measureable Difference Lash Gel" and start seeing lasting results in only two weeks. For more information on Lashem's line of clinically proven cosmetics, including Double Trouble Mascara visit, Lashem.

The Lashem™ brand was developed to help the everyday woman keep her youthful glow; it is a reflection of a healthy and natural lifestyle to accommodate everyone from the working woman to the stay at home mother. For more information, please visit

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