Three Different Modes of Conferencing: Audio, Video and Web

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With technology expanding so quickly it sometimes gets confusing which method of communication to use to provide the organization with the best, cost effective and fast services. Depending of each company and their requirements, along with their huge investments, decisions will be based accordingly. But to help in making these decisions, some providers have been set up to ease off this stress. Their not only guide but also provide the necessary equipments, online assistance, training, set-up and organize meetings with product and service presentations, and thereby take off the stress from the presenting company; for a nominal charge.

As mentioned before, not all companies are the same, and so choices on communication are made according to their needs. The three widely used modes of communications are Audio, Video and Web Conferencing.

Audio conferencing isn't the same as telephonic conversations (which is between 2 persons at different places). Its talks between 2 and more people from different locations; be it within the same city or different countries. At one time, special equipments were used to set up Audio conferencing, such as head-phones, speakers and a transmitter. But all these later submerged into the web. Now a company can carry out an audio conference via the web. Here too, special software, speakers and a head phone and connection to the net is required.

Then Video Conference was introduced. The same also started with this principle; head phones, speakers, transmitter and a television set was required. With the advancement of technology, it has now got merged into the web. Special software, speakers, video cameras and headphones are also required for communication to take place.

In both of the above mentioned methods, one could invited many members to participate in the meetings; frequent discussions could hold; change or include points while meetings is taking place; presentation of points via video can hold and private conversation could also be held at the same time under Video conference. The only point these methods lack is file transfer.

Then came about Web Conference - a blend of the above 2 methods with some added features. Unlike the Audio and Video principles, there is no special software required for this kind of conferencing to take place. Consider this situation: two or more companies want a conference to hold, but their operating systems aren't the same with one another, one uses a pc while the other a Mac, and the third might be using a Linux, how is the meeting supposed to hold unless they all change to one another's needs.

At the beginning, we had mentioned, that special providers have now been set up to make communication easier for organizations; it is these providers who will set up the whole scenario on the NET. Companies will hold their meeting via a specially made website. Each company will be provided a URL and a password to enter the conference room. Also, there are no hinderances from firewall protection. It's only natural to have speakers, headphones and a video cam attached to your system. Files can share and transferred to one another. A power point presentation can be viewed by everyone at the meeting. Private comments and discussions can also hold between selected members. These are just a few mentioned advantages, there could be more.

Why do people use all these application? For some folks, they still prefer the face-to-face meetings, the body contacts via hand shakes, exchanging of cards, getting more information over a dinner meeting. But for some, traveling is what makes a big hole in their budget plan. We all know that traveling can be costly; if done within the same city or different countries, frequent traveling for these conferences can be expensive and time consuming. Therefore, one would choose to have this type of conferencing which can be carried out in your own comfortable environment at a minimal charge to the providers of these conferences.

Author works for conference call service companies in USA and Canada. For details on web conferencing services or audio and video conferencing head here.

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