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Any true New Yorker will argue that the thin crust homemade pizza is the only way to make a pizza; however, ask an Chicago pizza lover and naturally, the way to go is dish. Both are delicious, but these mouthwatering pizza styles differ in more ways than just crust variations! While Chicago style pizza may require a knife and fork due to the buttery, crumbly thick crust; New York style pizza is crisp, thin, and perfect for folding or rolling up to enjoy on the go! But I will leave it up to you to decide which is the best!

Chicago Style Deep Dish Homemade Pizza

Traditional Chicago style is a thick, deep-dish pizza, with a dense, buttery crust that will melt and crumble in your mouth. This delicious, deep-dish pizza can range up to 4 inches thick, and is filled with large amounts of fresh, chunky, uncooked tomato sauce, cheese, and an array of toppings.

Traditional deep-dish pizzas are made with a large, thick quantity of flour to begin. Olive oil and corn meal cover the bottom of a deep, round pan. Once the dough is formed, it should be placed into the pan and pulled up by the sides. The dough should then be partially baked, before adding the toppings. Once parbaked, generous amounts of fresh mozzarella and chosen toppings are then added to the crust, and finally topped with chunky tomato sauce. Take a seat, grab a knife and fork and a couple of napkins to enjoy this rich, savory pizza!

New York Style Homemade Pizza

This luscious,hand tossed, thin, chewypizza is a favorite among native New Yorkers, especially those who are busy and on the go. This large, wide, thin pizza is light on the cheese and tomato sauce, and traditionally does not include other toppings. Due to its length, width and thinness, this pizza-by-the-slice can be folded or rolled and taken to go; it is perfect for cab drivers, travelers, and busy New Yorkers who need food on the go. Condiments such as parmesan, oregano, and dried red chili pepper are common and add a delicious twist to this classic pizza.

A perfected, classic New York style pizza should be denser and chewier at the widest part of the crust, and slightly thinner and crispier at the tip of the pizza. How is this accomplished you ask? The crust is made with American bread flour, which is high in protein and gluten, creating the chewier and denser crust. Additionally, sugar is added to create the lightly browned effect of the freshly baked pizza. Finally, olive oil is drizzled on top of the dough to maintain the flexibility and tenderness of the pizza while baking.

This timeless pizza crust can be created by mixing yeast, flour, sugar, salt, warm water, and olive oil together in a large bowl. Once thoroughly mixed, the dough should be kneaded, left over night in the fridge to rise, then shaped and rolled. A light layer of cheese and tomato sauce should then be added, and lastly, baked to a browned perfection!

You choose - Bon appétit!


Looking for something creative, easy, and delicious to make for dinner? Homemade pizzas are a great way to make dinner a family fun event, create a variety of unique pizzas, and enjoy a delicious meal! Personal homemade pizzas are perfect for anyone and everyone, as each pizza can be customized to fit an individual’s taste preferences. Choose from an assortment of toppings – mushrooms, BBQ chicken, pineapple, or simply classic mozzarella and tomato to create the perfect pizza for you!

Homemade pizzas are one of my favorite meals to cook, especially when friends and family join the fun. Creating the pizza dough is the first step, which can be made thin and crispy, traditional deep-dish style, or anywhere in between. The fun part is choosing the toppings that will make your pizza as unique and crazy or as classic as you want it.As your kitchen begins to fill with the sweet aromas of mozzarella, basil, red peppers, roasted garlic, rosemary, cilantro, gorgonzola, smoked gouda, prosciutto (the possibilities are endless!), and that powdery, fresh dough, you can almost taste that first mouthwatering bite.

I always love to use fresh and organic ingredients to create a healthy, natural pizza. By using an all-naturalwhole-wheat crust, and selecting organic vegetables, you can keep your pizza light and healthy. For a hearty, filling meat lover’s pizza, pile on the fresh Italiansausage, bacon, pepperoni, assortment of cheeses (from Goat cheese to Gouda), and for the gourmet add anything from pineapple, to bell peppers, to figs. Finally, for a tasty traditional-style pizza, chop up that fresh basil, sprinkle on fresh shredded mozzarella, ripe, thinly sliced tomatoes, some garlic,and drizzle olive oil on top.

Basic pizza dough:

Prep time: 2 hours
Cook time: 10 minutes

(Makes enough for one 10-12 inch pizza)
¾ cup of warm water
½ package of active dry yeast (1 1/8 teaspoons)
1 ¾ cups bread flour (or all purpose flour for crispy crust)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 teaspoon salt

1. To make this incredibly simple and delicious pizza dough, first mix together all dry ingredients in large bowl (yeast, flour, salt). Add water and olive oil and clump mixture together into ball. Knead dough on lightly floured surface to create smooth, round ball (about two minutes).
2. Place the dough back in bowl, cover with a towel, and let sit for one-two hours.
3. Sprinkle a pizza stone with cornmeal and preheat oven to top temperature.
4. Roll out the pizza – as thin or thick as you like – and toss on your toppings!
5. Bake for roughly 10 minutes, or until lightly brown, take out and enjoy!

To learn more about different pizza options check out pizza toppings or pizza pan tips.

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