They Hung Their School Uniforms

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It is education, according to most parents, the only wealth they can pass on to their kids as heir that is why they work so hard to earn savings for their children's schooling. While the parents are busy doing their jobs while on their workwear uniforms, they have their child at school on their school uniforms with the wish that later, they would also somehow land a good job to start their own family. The normal course of life, as society sees it, is the one stated. But the world had seen several who travelled against the flow of the mentality of the society and courageously take on the challenge of being different.

How would the world of Albert Einstein revolve if he had not pursued his college? Where could he be during his days and what could have he been doing? Maybe, because he is really that smart, he could still have invented things that we use today and he could still have formulated E equals mc squared. But the last century was also a staggering period when we witnessed great people who hung their school uniforms at the time they must have been using it and put on their workwear uniforms by the time they are supposed to be taking down notes and doing their assignments. They proved somehow by their experiences that not all successful people have degrees in college.

Who could ever forget about how Bill Gates established an empire by creating the world renowned Microsoft - a software development company? Today, the highest school recommendation or award he received is an honorary doctorate degree from Harvard. He dropped out of his alma mater to start his business with Paul Allen - a friend. Aside from him dominating the entire cyber world in terms of production and innovation, he also conquered the business world with his billions of earnings garnering him one of the top post for the wealthiest people around the world. Steve Jobs seems to have the same fate with Gates when he founded Apple - the culprit of the Ipod and Ipad outbreak. And some years a junior of Gates and Jobs another geek made it to billions when Mark Zuckerberg started his facebooking in his dorm room together with friends. Similarly, Zuckerberg left Harvard to and relocated to Palo Alto, CA. All of these three put on their workwear uniforms even before graduation and they made it big time.

On our list also include the famous Frank Lloyd Wright known for his New York City's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum that was featured in films like The International. James Cameron who directed Titanic and Avatar among others was also a college dropout and fell for some jobs before hitting the spotlight. There are several actors in Hollywood that were college dropouts yet made it to stardom. Forest Gump may have gone so many miles to run but it was actually Tom Hanks who really had a good story leaving school. So with Indiana Jones' adventures were not as adventurous to the real life experiences Harrison Ford had leaving his college.

Education is still best for kids and still a good thing to graduate. These famous dropouts may have donned their workwear uniforms without waiting for graduation but they are really extraordinarily talented to do so.

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