The Wonders of Lasers

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Definitely, lasers are not like this before. Today, you can see them in supermarket bar code scanners, compact disk players and laser printers. In fact, even ophthalmologists use this kind of technology to repair detached retinas as well as surgeons who use photons (with the help of laser) instead of scalpels to perform delicate operations.

A surgeon says that the same results come about even if laser is used to exfoliate the skin instead of chemical peels such as glycolic acid. He added that upon using laser, skin will be rejuvenated, skin color will be even, tone will be improved and of course, pores will be minimized.

Keep in mind the following procedures if a client wants to have a laser facial peel. The patient and the people who will do the procedure should be armed with a protective eye gear. After the skin is being cleansed, a solution is to be applied on it. After this, the laser beam will do its job by tracing it over on the skin.

Laser is like a hot needle piercing though your skin. After less than an hour, the change on your skin would be evident because you would see it glowing. Definitely, skin would be more sensitive, that is why after this 12hour procedure, clients are required to wear sun screen.

Laser makes it possible to have your hair removed in places that you don't want hair to grow. The benefits of lasers are not only this for they can also treat patients with hormonal hair growth problems. Actually, it can be more classified as a hair maintenance treatment. Hair follicles are not completely destroyed because of lasers, but what lasers do is that they make it impossible for hair to grow.

Certain aspects of hair growth were explained by the therapist such as the different stages of it. The initial laser treatment wouldn't be able to affect the hair if it is in the unreceptive resting stage. As for the next stage which is the growing stage, this makes it possible for hair to be receptive to laser treatment.

In each laser session, their goal is to target 20 percent of hair in the growing phase. New hair will grow after six to eight weeks if laser treatment is used, as compared to wax treatment wherein hair will grow three to four weeks. Based on what he said, every time laser treatment is done, the possibility for hair to grow thicker lessens.

During the first year of hair removal treatment, four sessions are required for the client to attend but on the second year, sessions will be lessened because client's hair growth will be much thinner. For the skin to absorb more the laser light, carbon based lotion is applied on the client's skin. With this, hair will fall off in about one week. Since this is a process that uses low energy laser and also is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, the surgeon claims that no risks are involved in this kind of procedure.

Read this site if you want laser hair removal manly information.Learn more on the topic of laser hair removal sydney.

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