The Snowball Warren Buffett And The Business Of Life - Book Review

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The Snowball - Warren Buffett And The business of life, by Alice Schroeder.

Well I just started this book, since then i'm completely unable to stop reading it(all 800ish pages).
I sort of expected a boring look at the life of someone in somthing that isimagined as a boring business (Investing).

I really couldn't of been more wrong.

Here we have a captivating at the life of one of the most most amazingly brilliant people the world has ever known, and it's funny, sad, exciting….a whole range of unexpectedness

For People who aren't aware, this book is a complete look at the story about one of the richest people anywhere - Warren Buffett.
During 2008 he was crowned the worlds wealthiest business man with an estimated net worth of Sixty Two Billion $US.


Let's look closer at that number...

If I earn $10,000,000 every year (not terrible) I would have to wait to earn as much as Warren Buffett

WOW… If I had been hording 10 Million per annum ever since 1BC Then i would be close to one third of having the fortune that this man has built... Unreal.....

Alright.. I've calmed myself down enough to go on with the book review…

It's impossible to explain just how great this book is, all I can say is if you haven't got your copy of this yet go order it right now

What really impresses me about this man is how he came from nowhere, he didn't begin with a fortune from his parents, in fact he actually started selling golf balls and delivering papers around town.

Add that to the fact that he did it without even inventing something new, something he did do was study more, learn more skills, and work harder than anyone it just makes what Buffett created even more amazing.

The dedication and work ethic of Warren Buffett is one of the greatest take home lessons you will get in this book from this book if desire something big you better be willing to work hard for it

What really stood out to me from this book? Much more than I have time to list but the things that really stood out were…

1. If you plan to be successful then knowledge is vital, never EVER stop being a student.

2. Delayed gratification, so you need to sacrifice now to get what you want afterward.

3. If you want long term success (is there any other kind of real success?) then you always need to stay completely honest, integrity is your greatest asset.

4. The next biggest assets will be the relationships you build, don't ever forget that.

5. It doesn't matter where in life you come from, where you begin doesn't affect where you end up.

So I better wind up this article, in conclusion I firmly urge you study this new book. If you truly desire to create success then knowledge will be your biggest weapon, there aren't many people that have come close to Warren's success, so i believe he is one of, if not the greatest business man to study and learn from.

This review of The Snowball Warren Buffett And The Business Of Life is written by the creator and author of For more articles on all things business and marketing click on the link above.

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