The Skin Health Benefits Of Taking Vitamin E

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Vitamin E, especially the alpha-tocopherol type, helps prevent wrinkles by acting as an antioxidant that fights free radicals in skin tissue.

Vitamin E may be applied topically, taken as a capsule, or eaten in specific foods.

Though wrinkles give an appearance of aging, they are a fact of life for everyone. With Vitamin E, you can prevent wrinkles and enjoy younger-looking skin. Here is a short explanation on how Vitamin E helps prevent wrinkles:

Contains antioxidants

Vitamin E, particularly the alpha-tocopheryl type, is known for preventing wrinkles from appearing prematurely because of its antioxidant properties. Free radicals that scavenge your body are neutralized by antioxidants. Environmental factors that cause damage to the body are called free radicals, unstable molecules that cause damage to tissue in the body such as collagen and skin. A small quantity of free radicals is not harmful, but as you age, these free radicals also grow in number. They also increase with prolonged exposure to sunlight. With vitamin E, these free radicals can be neutralized, thus protecting your skin from the sun's harmful radiation and preventing the wrinkles that appear with age.

You can get the benefits of Vitamin E by different ways like direct application to the skin, take capsule supplements, or eat foods rich in Vitamin E etc.

Oil from Vitamin E

Vitamin E oil is prevalent in most of the pharmacies and is affordable. You can apply the oil directly to the wrinkled part of your face, particularly around your mouth and on the forehead. If you wish to apply vitamin E oil on your hands and feet, cover them up with cotton gloves and socks for better absorption. Application of the oil once or twice a week before going to the bed will give you the maximum result. Heating mildly lightens the oil as it happens to be reasonably viscous and gluey. Other oils rich in vitamin E can be used, argan oil is a good example of this. Wrinkle prevention and protection from sun exposure are only a few of the benefits that Argan oil can provide. You can also combine the oil with other skin-rejuvenating oils, such as peppermint oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil to make a relaxing and wrinkle-reducing bath.

Vitamin E is most commonly available in capsules

You may also take a vitamin E supplement in capsule form. Take it after eating because it must have additional nutrients for more effectiveness. Iron prevents the absorption of Vitamin E, hence avoid iron when you have these supplements. Protect yourself from overdosing by discussing the correct dosage with your physician.

Vitamin-E enriched foods

Possibly the best way to obtain Vitamin E is to consume foods that contain a good amount of that vitamin. These are inclusive of dark and leafy vegetables, broccoli, nuts such as almonds, olives, legumes, whole grains, milk, eggs, and organ meat. Aside from providing Vitamin E, these foods are also rich in other nutrients that are essential for keeping you healthy, as well as beautiful inside and out.

There are many ways for a person to take vitamin E, injections, tablets and powers are only three of many. Be careful, though, not to take Vitamin E beyond the daily requirement as it may also harm your body. Please speak with your physician for dosing instructions, before beginning vitamin E supplements.

To learn more about argan benefits rich in Vitamin E, please visit

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