The Role Of The Counsellor – Part I

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By law all clinics have to offer counselling and access to an independent counsellor. That said, the term counselling is used very loosely. It can cover anything from a brief chat with a doctor or nurse, to a course with a highly trained specialist costing up to £60 a session. Some clinics include the cost of seeing the independent counsellor in the basic treatment fee. Others run an open evening for prospective patients, with the counsellor present. In some all patients routinely have a very brief session with the counsellor when they come for their first consultation. Elsewhere there is a notice pinned to the wall setting out how to make contact.

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority requires clinics to ensure that they provide patients with the name of an independent counsellor and details of their qualifications. The counsellor can be a member of staff or a freelance operating outside the clinic; the main requirement is that there must be a, strong element of independence. In addition it is expected that the clinic's nurse co-ordinator, who will see and be in contact with all patients, will have some extra counselling expertise on top of her ordinary training. The Authority distin¬guishes between three types of counselling. Implications coun¬selling takes people through the implications of treatment. Support counselling aims to help people who run into emotional difficulties during treatment, or those for whom it does not work. Therapeutic counselling is for the small minority of people who develop severe psychological difficulties.

Shirley M. Duran is a mother of two and an author of a variety of related lifestyle issues and topics with which has helped hundreds of mothers become pregnant. If you have any pregnancy questions for which you need answers, it is recommended to visit:

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