The Role of Personal Development in Successful Weight Loss

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What do you do when you decide to lose weight? Go on diet? Excellent! Get some exercise? Excellent!

We all know that if we eat less and take more exercise we will lose weight. So what happens? We continue to diet and exercise until we successfully reach our target weight, don't we? 5% do and 95% of us break our diets. So we revert to our normal habits and put on any weight we have lost.

Then what? We repeat the above again and again!

If you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always got! Einstein said "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result". You need to do something different. To change your behaviour you need to think differently. You need to change your perceptions / beliefs/ attitudes etc.

So let's look at the weight-loss process. You decide to go on a diet and to get more exercise. This is essential. So let's assume you can read English (a reasonable assumption in UK). Let's assume that you can understand what you read. Let's assume that intellectually you know that if you follow your diet and take exercise you will lose weight.

So why do 95% of people break their diets? Everyone is seeking their own personal development. Personal development relates to any improvement you want to make to yourself as a person, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

When you e.g. go on a "traditional" course, seminar, read a book for information etc. you are given the same information as everyone else. Typically these have the format of e.g. six easy steps to achieve your goal.

You listen to the first step; you find it reasonable. You listen to the second step; you find it reasonable and you can see that it follows rationally from the first and so on. When all the steps have been explained you can see intellectually that if you follow the steps you will achieve your goal. Research has shown that only about 2% of people actually do implement the steps and achieve their goal.

This can be regarded as general development not personal development. It is not sufficiently aligned with your personal needs. You need to find your own answers as these are all that make sense to you. Your subconscious mind knows what you need and if you are open to this, it will tell you.

If I said that I have several potential solutions to your weight loss problems would you like to hear them?

Let's say I tell you what they are. I explain the first one. A proportion of people will think "Well yes, that's interesting but that's all. The rest will be thinking something like "That's interesting, I've never thought about it like that".

I explain the second one. A different proportion of people will be thinking "Well that's interesting but it doesn't appeal to me". The rest will be thinking something like "That's interesting, I've never thought about it like that". And so on.

At the end each member of the audience will have their own selection of explanations that are meaningful to them and selected by their own subconscious minds. That is personal development.

Knowledge is said to be power. It is only potential power. Action is power. You need to take action on the explanations that are meaningful to you. You need to find your own deep purpose and powerful, personal reasons to lose weight. These reasons must be specific to you. The usual general reasons while being important are not usually sufficiently specific or powerful to ensure your success.

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