The Research to Define Global Warming

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To simply Define Global Warming as the draw out increment or reduction of global warming temperature in the planets lower atmosphere was not enough for science to discover the causes and events in the global warming temperature change. Several natural chemical elements influence the lower atmospheric region of the earth, to define global warming each of these must be distinguished and a dimension taken of their impact. To define global warming these natural elements were broken into distinct groups and gauged the amount for each one that added to global warming; Water vapor at 65%, Carbon Dioxide CO2 at 20%, Methane CH4 at 7%, Ozone at 7% and Cloud Cover. Early written record books, archeology information and deep ice core study enabled scientist to generate this distinct baseline of the natural components.

To broadly define global warming, it is a normal and slow trend of the heating of the earth lower air and as a matter of fact is still a recuperation process from the historical great ice age. In accumulating all these data points there were random points in time that looked to be not correct in the global warming temperature. An explanation of these random intensive data outcomes had to be obtained to define global warming, to do this scientist contacted other areas of historic study searching for natural events that were linked with these extraordinary variations. The first connection was established from NASA information of Solar Flare Action which suggests a five oscillation from high to low, this matched the global warming temperature shifts and as well the model of ocean temperature shifts named El Nino (warm ocean streams) and La Nina (cooler ocean flows). This association was further confirmed by the global warming temperature drop-off in 1816 AD addressed as the "Year with no Summer" a effect of the Tambor volcanic blast in 1815AD the year earlier. Record books and diaries retrieved from the Krakatau eruption in 1883 AD furnished latest detailed support that determined the link of a large volcanic event that gave a significant change in the global warming and proved the data set. With the on going influx of information from deep core ice drillings many of the identified large volcanic events were rapidly related to the fluctuations of the global warming temperature.

Large volcanic activity elevated in the first 500 yrs of 1000AD that ended in 1650AD with what is now named the Mini-Ice-Age, and the starting of the reheating action back to pre global 1000 AD temperatures required over three hundred yrs. This typical rewarming of the world-wide temperature was expected to start flattening out in the mid-1900s. The data collected on the global warming temperature distinctly indicated that the extraordinary rewarming curve was remaining its fast climb, in mid-1950 Science grew concerned and started to look for the reasons.

By 70s the sum of all data collected to discovering the reason of global warming temperature discovered it as human activity starting in the 1700AD industrial revolution; these events had been disguised by the preceding observed Mini-Ice-Age. This brought a brand-new property to define global warming named Human Being Action. The cumulative amount given to global greenhouse gases by human being activity was observed to be 40% more of Carbon Dioxide and 149% more of Methane. Added Together to this rising concern was the extensive deforestation that mankind was causing to the major forest regions of the world, forest life is the 2nd greatest atmosphere cleaner to take out Methane and Carbon Dioxide.

Since the commencement of the industrial revolution the direct impact of this human being activity has caused an inflated global warming temperature by 1.34 degs. F. During this process to define global warming all the information signaled a quick modification of 2 degs. inside a very short peroid of time has already had a considerable environmental affect, by continuing the ongoing movement the human being activity will addition the global warming temperature by three degs. from the yrs 2000 to 2040. What really got the attention of the Scientific Community was the Carbon Dioxide data detected in 2000, these measurements from ice core boring were equivalent to and exceeded the Carbon Dioxide measurements of 20,000,000 yrs early when the extinction of dinosaurs came about. This very sizeable addition in Carbon Dioxide began to happen in 1940 at the corresponding time of increment in the call for consumer trade goods and services like the generating of electric power.

By the 1960's the efforts to define global warming was broadcasting a plain message that any short-term substantial alteration in the global warming temperature would make a big environmental affect that will exist for decades or centuries. Since then many continued papers to the global warming temperature alteration have been released; the responds by Administrations and Large Business during the previous 40 yrs has been APPALLING and amounts to nothing glossing over the facts and making themselves look good. At the time thirty yrs ago the developing of natural free energy supplies was in its early infancy stages, nonetheless these natural free energy supplies had established the power to substitute traditional electrical energy generating systems and the potential of substituting transportation energy; with the encouragement and financing from Authorities the Carbon Dioxide emission would have been dropped considerably during this thirty year time, thus decreasing the global temperature rise by a hundred yrs. or more.
Warned of the impending problem Politics are still doing nothing substantial. Electricity can be created pollution free and at very low cost and nobody appears to desire it. Go to this website Alternative Home Energy to read why electricity is not clean and what you can do in your house to slowing down global warming.

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Occupation: Coal Consultant
Danny Fisher has been working in the Oil and Coal Energy Industry for the past 20 years. The majority of his time has been spent overseas in developing countries and has acquired some very unique inside knowledge of how the energy world thinks. He has become concerned at the increase in Fossil Fuel consumption and the lack of motivation by Industry and Governments to explore and implement existing alternative energy. He has researched the alternatives and has found low cost existing home electricity systems that require a small effort to make a home 100% pollution free and no change to current the life style. For more background information on how electricity is made and the existing alternatives follow this link Alternative Home Energy Sources Site.

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