The Problem with America is who runs the country, “Lawyers!”

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By Jack Ferm JD; Guest Columnist

Of all the professions Lawyers are by en large the most incompetent and corruptible of any … less than 1% of our legal establishment has the knowledge or concern to be of value to society.

Lawyers are what are known as bottom feeders… Lawyers produce no product; they give nothing to society but take from it. In fact most view their license as a license to steal… when ever there is a scandal and a fraud, you can be sure a lawyer is behind it…

One former Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Warren E. Burger said of lawyers “90% of the lawyers are corrupt, incompetent, or both.”

Burger later apologized for that comment insisting the percentage was actually 95%

And as lawyers become our judges we continue to witness an erosion of our civil liberties as well as seeing a rapid decline in our system of justice.

Among nations, the American justice system has become a bad joke… but we in America aren’t laughing!

Even the Supreme Court itself has had their share of problems, including an abundance of insanity among justices…

John Rutledge of South Carolina was a recess appointment of George Washington, to serve as chief justice of the Supreme Court. Rutledge was mentally ill at the time of his appointment…

Rutledge resigned after a year and his confirmed successor William Cushing, also mentally impaired declined the position.

Henry Baldwin confirmed in 1830 was found to be insane… Baldwin missed the 1833 term because he had been hospitalized for “incurable lunacy.” he died in 1844 still in office

Robert C. Grier, associate Supreme Court Justice August 3, 1846, to January 30, 1870, due to his physical and mental decline could “scarcely function”.

In 1869 just days before Grier left the bench, Chief Justice Salmon Chase used the incompetent justice as an additional vote to strike down a major federal law, the Legal Tender Act. Hepburn V. Griswold, 75 U.S. 603 (1870), Grier died on September 25, 1870. The vote was (5) to (3) even without Grier Chase had the majority of the Supreme Court holding the legal tender act to be unconstitutional.

But, The US could no allow the Griswold decision to stand…The make up of the court was thereafter changed to add a ninth Justice and the two replacements Bradley and Strong were confirmed, they over ruled the Griswold decision the next term in Knox V. Lee 79 U.S. 457 (1870) …Chase was actually correct, the Griswold decision was the correct interpretation of the Constitution…

In 1880, Justice Nathan Clifford was described by one of his colleagues as a “babbling idiot.” Due to this illness he was seldom on the bench…. He died July 25, 1881, still in office.

Associate Justice Ward Hunt, 1873 to 1882, was left speechless and paralyzed after an illness refused to resign because he lacked the 10 years of service needed to earn a pension.

Congress was required to pass a special law granting him a special pension in order to get him off the court.

Justice Frank Murphy joined the court in 1940, he was 57, and was addicted to drugs, including the painkiller Demerol.

What will we learn of our current Supreme Court members, stay tuned, there are surprises…

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