The Price of Beauty

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Ageing is something that is as inevitable and natural as breathing. Unfortunately, with ageing comes a myriad of downsides when it comes to one’s appearance, the most common of whichis saggy skin and flabby body parts. Good thing science has come up with a solution in the form of liposuction.

By definition, liposuction is the siphoning of excess fats from certain partsof your body using a vacuum with a very large syringe. First performed in 1974, the aim of liposuction is to improve the contour of one’s body. Today, liposuction has come a long way from the crude surgical contouring techniques it once was.

There actually a number of liposuction techniques available in the market today, although all of these techniques make use of the cannula, the wand-like instrument used to suck out the excess fat. The cannula is usually inserted to the concerned area by way of a small incision made by the surgeon. The most popular of these techniques is the tumescent liposuction. This procedure is further divided into two – the wet and the super-wet techniques. With tumescent liposuction, a large amount of anesthetic is injected into the concerned area.

Another technique that liposuction Boca Raton centers make use of is the Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction. In this procedure, doctors make use of sound waves to liquefy the fat before being sucked out. This is the same procedure that is being used in LipoSelection. One of the advantages of this procedure is that it does not affect the fats located in the surrounding areas.

Power-assisted liposuction, or PAL, is yet another liposuction technique being used by liposuction Delray Beach FL clinics. This procedure makes use of a motor-powered cannula which enables the doctor to make smaller movements. This, in turn, makes the experience more comfortable for the patient.

How much you have to pay the liposuction Wellington clinic would depend on which of the procedures you would like to undergo, the part of the body involved, and the fees set by your surgeon. Keep in mind that it is very rare for insurance companies to cover liposuction procedures.

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