The original recipe for tiramisu, the perfect italian dessert

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There are some dishes that practically everyone likes, and that guarantee success at any dinner party. These are the dishes that I call the perfect menu just made of pizza and tiramisu. In my life I have not found anyone who does not appreciate this menu and more importantly fitting both for adults and children. There are anyway attentions that must be taken. For example, if there are children it is better to select the recipe for tiramisu with no raw eggs with malt-coffee , the taste remains great and certainly your moms will appreciate this attention for the detail. And if you have people with the problem of CD, no problem, try the recipe for gluten-free pizza and everything is resolved.

Many are frightened by having to cook the pizza thinking that the pizza dough requires expertise from pizza, while it is one of the easiest things to make. And I'm not talking about buying pizza dough from the baker and dress and cook it, i'm talking about a self made process. The ingredients of pizza are very few and easy to find and pizza recipes can be found in any book of recipes; the same thing for the tiramisu dessert recipe that is definitely among the best known and most widespread. But let's see how to make pizza and tiramisu so quick and easy. Because there are many recipes for tiramisu, the one i'm proposing is the original recipe for this kind of dessert; beware of imitations, you will not get a good result and you'll make a bad impression with your guests.

This is a classic recipe for Pizza: 800 grams of flour 0, 500 ml of water, 25 grams of yeast, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil. Dissolve the yeast in water then add 500 grams of flour. It forms a very liquid dough (called poolishbe); set it to rise for about 1 hour. Add the remaining flour, salt, oil and mix well. The pizza dough is almost ready. Put it to rise and when it is doubled in volume divide it in 2 parts and roll it out. Now you just need to dress as you like, for example with the classic tomato and oregano, but there are so many ways to dress this kind of food, following your cooking inspiration. Bake it at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes, then add the mozzarella, a drizzle of olive oil and put it all in oven for about 5 minutes. Follow this recipe and you'll get the best home-made pizza of ever.

How just said, this is the original tiramisu recipe: 500 grams of mascarpone, 6 eggs, 100 gr sugar, 350 grams of biscuits, coffee and cocoa powder. Whip the egg yolks with sugar and add mascarpone, after having softened it with a wooden spoon. Beat the egg whites until stiff and then add it to the cream. Now you just need to dial the tiramisu in a platter, alternating a layer of ladyfingers soaked in coffee with a layer of cream and dressing it with a fine dusting of cocoa. Follow this recipe and you'll get the best home-made tiramisu of ever, with the guarantee that this is a type of dessert that has always been a remarkable success. This is the best way to make a worderful dishe.

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