The Marriage Grabbed from Others Can Not be Happy

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A female above the average age for marriage, with good qualifications, still maintain single. One day, a top management was mobilized to her company. The man is about 30 years and looks mature and reliable. Above all, he is very rich. The female were very anxious to let him fall in love with her. But this man with perfect qualifications has an elegant wife and a wise son. The female determined to grab their marriage. From then on, she always try to make good performance in front of the man. Finally, she successfully attracted the man and slept with him.
Actually, the man is just for fun, he haven't thought of divorce because he love his wife and son very much. So when he heard the pregnancy of the female, he was shocked and asked her to have an aborticide. Of course the female would not agree because pregnancy is the thing she was waiting for. She even threatened the man that if he don't marry her, she will ruin his future. At that time, the man's wife yield to their marriage in order to protect his bright future.
The female grabbed their marriage, but did her happy? Her parents in law had said that they will not recognize her as their daughter in law. The female wanted to hold a wedding in her hometown, but all the man's relatives even including the man refused to satisfy that. No wedding, no tenderness, no sex life, even no dialogue, the man looked her as the executioner of his happiness.
The female thought she will live a better life after giving birth to a child. But the fact striked her again. She was brought to bed of a daughter. No matter before her parturition or after parturition, no relative visited her. She even did not dare to ask her parents to take care of her because she was afraid of letting them know her plight.

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