The Impact of Cloud Computing on Enterprise Mobility Solutions

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Enterprise Mobility was originally devised as a way of enhancing employee productivity through the use of mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets and net books. In essence, enterprise mobility unchained an enterprise worker from his/her desk and allowed the individual to continue working irrespective of the employees� location. As mobility technology improved, the concept of enterprise mobility also expanded and in the current scenario, enterprise mobility represents the inter-connectivity between users across an enterprise, which allows them access to information from all over the organization across multiple platforms. However, there is an Achilles heel to this arrangement, which is among the driving factors for the entry of cloud computing into the field of enterprise mobility.

The introduction of technology in any field tends to have three possible outcomes- game changing, disruptive or complementary. Introduction of a game changing technology into any field tends to completely change the way in which an existing system operates. Such a change is sudden and leads to the development of new opportunities in the field. A game changing event is more of a mutation than a process of natural evolution for the industry. If a complementary technology is introduced, the industry witnesses a gradual change, which is related to its current style of operation. A complementary technology augments current business operations in order to improve the overall efficiency of the business by introducing new synergies in various business functions. In case of a disruptive technology, the entire procedure of doing the business is changed and this leads to the development of completely new ways of carrying out existing processes or complete elimination of existing processes to facilitate a new way of doing things.

With reference to the entry of cloud services into the existing Mobility Solutions market, the effect is expected to be comprised of all three types of outcomes. Cloud computing is thus expected to be simultaneously game changing, disruptive and simultaneously complementary to prevailing conditions in the enterprise mobility market. This has led to the development of numerous cloud-based solutions by offshore software development companies all over the world.

How can Cloud Computing be Game Changing for the Enterprise Mobility Market?

Mobile Solutions for the enterprise are all about making people productive even when the person is away from the office, at a remote location or traveling. To ensure continued productivity, while mobile, enterprise mobility apps help users access critical business data as and when required by the individual. Such data may include access to emails, contacts, calendar, customer information, business dashboards etc. while on the move. Currently available enterprise mobility apps are designed to connect a user to the company�s database through a specific application. However, if a problem occurs in the organization�s network, no user would be able to access the services provided by the company. In such circumstances, the use of cloud computing specially if combined with a SaaS-type of IT environment, can helps users stay productive even when the organization-wide network is down. Leveraging cloud computing capabilities can thus help organizations reduce downtime, while simultaneously ensuring continued productivity of employees even when the organization�s network is inoperative.

How Can Cloud Computing Disrupt the Enterprise Mobility Market?

A major concern, which has held back the large-scale deployment of cloud technologies, was related to security concerns about any and all data stored by a cloud computing provider. Though many experts and providers have claimed this as just paranoia, data breaches in an organization can seriously harm the reputation of a firm, lead to loss of customers and also result in fines due to security breach. The perception of an increase in security risk is a major disruption that cloud computing can affect to the current enterprise mobility market. However, the increased security risk is also a major driver of security solutions designed for specifically the enterprise mobility market. The transition to cloud computing also requires current enterprises to implement a service-oriented architecture (SOA) to aid in reusing and creating network architecture with superior agility. This could be a blessing in disguise for many companies, as, it requires the organizations to understand their IT architecture through and through in order to benefit from the introduction of cloud computing. Another effect that cloud computing shift can provide is related to the organization�s capability of identifying various aspects of the costs incurred by the IT department. In many ways, the disruptive effect brought on by introduction of cloud computing into the enterprise mobility market can aid organizations develop solutions of superior robustness, which benefit organizational growth in the long term.

How can Cloud Computing be Complementary to current Solutions?

The core benefit of enterprise mobility apps is an improvement of accessibility irrespective of the user�s location. However, providing such services can lead to an increased drain on the IT resources of an organization and drive the operating costs upwards. As more and more software solutions shift to the cloud and the enterprise network, organizations would be able to leverage their own computing abilities to carry out additional activities directed at the overall growth of the organization. Cloud computing therefore represents an opportunity for companies to use available resources more efficiently in the pursuit of an organization�s core objectives. Additionally, shifting even some enterprise mobility functions to the cloud can help an organization reduce the loss of connectivity resulting from the scheduled maintenance of an enterprise network.

The Final Word

The large scale implementation of cloud computing to the current enterprise mobility market is capable of completely transforming the market for future endeavors in the market. Like any new technology, there are also risks with the introduction of cloud computing services inside an organizational framework, however, such risks can catalyze the mobile application development process, to help enterprises gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace and improve overall compliance with local as well as international rules of data protection.

For more information about enterprise mobility solutions, mobile solutions, mobile application development and offshore software development, please visit software development india

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