The Ebook Reader Review (Electronic Ebook Readers)

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By now you have probably heard a little about eBook readers and for some of you these may be an elusive technical product that makes you shiver with sadness. I say that because with the advent of eBook readers you will see the slow demise of the book as we know it. However this is not completely true because the eBook reader will not be for everybody and will not replace every book on the planet. Lets face it there are some books you really need to touch, feel and even smell to enjoy.

The joy of reading is a global pastime. Reading hightens the senses, ignites the imagination and passes the time when needed. For many the cost of reading is high. Not necessarily cost as in money but in space to store the precious books that you spend your hard earned money on. Many of us end up with a room full of books oozing into every nook and cranny straining space to the maximum.

In this world of technology the eBook is a godsend for avid readers. The problem of storing books has been resolved with the digital age all with huge advantages that goes beyond cost and storage.

An eReader is essentially a small computer that stores your books in digital format but without the bells and whistles of a computer. The most popular eReader allows you to do some web surfing, check your emails and download books straight to your eReader. But the best thing of all it is like reading a book. A regular computer will have a back light and it is the back light that will strain your eyes and affect your reading enjoyment. The eReader uses eInk and what this is is a screen that is just like that of a real book. The added bonus is you can increase font sizes if you are visually impaired or have tired eyes.

Sometimes the idea of being read to is quite appealing. An eReader that reads to you straight from the book (just like mine does) is brilliant. Furthermore if you choose you can listen to audio books and music from a quality eReader. All this making an eReader an appealing entertainment unit for the avid reader.

As an owner of the worlds most popular and least expensive eReader I have to say my reading habits have increased simply because of the choice I now allow myself simply because of the convenience. For example, I can have more than one book being read at a time. What I mean is I read according to my mood. It is no different to watching a program on TV, you watch 1 hour of a program every week picking up the threads the following week. Well reading more than one book at a time is the same concept except I read according to my mood. What makes it so simple with the eReader is I can go out for a coffee, start up my eReader and choose a book to read without carrying all my books with me.

One of the biggest problems for readers who travel is what books to pack. Books take up a huge amount of precious space in luggage. With an eReader you simply load all the books your hearts desire on your eReader and choose what you want to read when you want it.

eReaders are easy to use simply choose what you want to read and either upload using WIFI, 3G or via your computer. You can choose a book and be reading it in under 2 minutes. Faster than going out and buying a book.

There are literally thousands and thousands of books available for free or almost free. Many books are out of copyright that are now available to read on your eReader for free. You would be surprised the number of books out there. Authors also offer some of their books for free, the reason they do this is the give their new potential followers a "taste" of what is to come with their writing style, more of a try before you buy.

Should you choose to buy eBooks for your eReader you will find them substantially cheaper than that of the hard copies particularly if you take into account the cost of shipping when buying online.

Whilst the economics associated with money and space are a major draw card for using an eReader the environmental aspect cannot be overlooked. Each time you read an eBook you are saving precious resources and this has to be a major positive.

So if you have never heard of eReaders or ever wondered what one is now is the time to consider how you can change your reading habits and like me increase your joy of reading.


Katherine Quirke is a successful Australian based business entrepreneur
with an IT background, has owned a number of businesses over the last 20
years. Not only does she run her own business but enjoys gardening,
reading, cooking and sewing. Learn more about eBook readers at:

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