The Derma Wand - First Look Review

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Learn All About The Derma Wand

Derma Wand is a condensed version of the corrective engineering that pros depend on. It sends out a soothing flow of impulses stimulating at 114,000 cycles per second. Your complexion will instantly react with a lifted and elevated contoured physical appearance while improving the stuffed up look of puffy, tired eyes.

The thermal power speeds up tissue warming, which supplies an excellent resource to cosmetically smooth away the appearance of lines and wrinkles. At the same time, Derma Wand makes enriched oxygen to help purify and retexture the surface of your skin.

Here are a few of the major benefits of the Derma Wand:

Saggy Skin: Derma Wand's healing function provides an immediate tightened and lifted appearance, helping to instill cumulative long term tightening benefits.

Wrinkles: Thermal energy is conclusively beneficial to cosmetically minimize fine lines, wrinkles and the look of skin folds.

Enlarged Pores: Don't cover it up! Clear up the pitted look of bigger pores with Derma Wand's purifying energy.

Puffy Eyes: Pack your bags! Feel and see the amazing improvement and have that well-rested look.

I used to suffer from severe acne and a year ago I started going to a cosmetologist who successfully extracted all the black and white heads from my skin. But a month later I had an array of the new tiny white heads all over my face! Since I started using the skin care tool- there seem to be NONE. And during my last visit, my cosmetologist had nothing to extract. My skin color is more vibrant, healthy, skin is smooth. HOWEVER... it is VERY important that you do it every morning and every night!
- Nat, Minneapolis MN

I have had experience with the skin care tool while getting salon facials. It has had a tremendous effect on my adult acne; results I've not gotten with any other product. Believe me, I've tried them all! I am thrilled with it, I just hope that it lasts a long time. I would certainly recommend the skin care tool to anybody who suffers from breakouts as I do. My skin is clear again and I am thrilled about that.

- Stephanie, Andover NJ

The Derma Wand

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I am an avid sports enthusiast and trainer. I work with kids, teens and adults. I also love to rock climb and surf.

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