The Best Skin Care Comes From Within

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If you want to give your skin the best skin care possible, there are a few simple rules you must follow. You and your skin are going to be together for a very, very long time, so you owe it to yourself to look after it! The best skin care regimes are not simply a case of picking the right products and applying them to your skin morning and night. It is far more effective to look after your skin from the inside as well as the outside.

Of course it is important to use only the best skin care products available on the market. You should only ever use products that are 100% organic and made from raw or cold-pressed ingredients. Many of the products on the market that are not made with raw, organic ingredients are actually incredibly damaging to your skin. The most popular and often most expensive skin care products are rarely the best skin care products and are often full of chemicals, synthetic substances, toxins and transfatty acids.

By using only 100% organic skincare products you are ensuring you are caring for your skin exactly as nature intended. Using only ingredients found in the natural world, the best skin care products are gentle and nourishing, encouraging long term improvement in the condition of your skin. Ingredients derived from plants, in oil form, are particularly effective in treating dry skin conditions. The best skin care products often contain essential oils such as tea tree, lavender and butters such as shea butter and cacao butter.

But choosing natural and organic skin care products is only half the secret to healthy, nourished skin. If you really want to give your skin the best skin care possible you have to look after your body from the inside-out. Eating a diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables is the most effective way to improve the condition of your skin in the long-term. Even the best skin care products can't give your body the same high levels of vitamins and minerals you get from eating healthy food. Your body absorbs the properties of everything you eat and a diet high in raw foods, in particular, has an incredibly positive impact on the health of your skin.

Packed full of enzymes, antioxidants and nutrients, food in its natural, uncooked form provides your body with the best possible nutrition. Antioxidants are incredibly important in assisting the skin to heal itself. Even when using the best skin care products, made with 100% organic and natural ingredients, the skin can struggle to repair damage. To give damaged skin the best possible chance of healing itself, it is essential that you follow a healthy diet, full of antioxidant-rich raw foods, which, over time, can even help to reduce red, inflamed skin and scar tissue.

A diet high in raw foods ensures your body is getting everything it needs to achieve its natural state of health and balance. The best skin care products use the same ingredients needed for a healthy diet. Working in tandem, a healthy diet and natural and organic skin care products are all you need for the best skin care regime in the world.

Raw Gaia is the world's first range of living best skin care products and organic beauty products, hand-made using only cold-pressed, organic, vegan, cruelty- and chemical-free ingredients.

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