The Best Anti-Aging Tips

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When we are in our twenties we hear all the time how we should exercise and eat right in order to stay healthy and strong. Of course we would not listen. We thought that we where too young and healthy to listen to that nonsense. We will worry about that nonsense when we are over 50. The years have passed and all that abuse now shows in your skin. Your skin is no longer as radiant and youthful as it was when you where in your twenties. The excessive tanning at the beach and other unhealthy choices has prematurely aged your skin. Why not change these unhealthy choices today and better your life and skin in return? There are natural ways at home that can help get your skin healthy and glowing once again and they are the following:

Eat five portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Choose vegetables that are high in Vitamin C. Eating Vitamin C rich foods may help toward off wrinkles and age related dryness. Strawberries, papaya, broccoli, oranges and red bell pepper are amongst the best foods rich in Vitamin C.

Sun Block. It is a fact that the UVA from the sun rays is a major contributor to premature skin aging. The UVA damages skin cells before there is any visible sunburn. Although a nice tan look good, the effects from the suns harmful rays will not look so great. UVA also contributes to and may even initiate the development of skin cancers. That is why it is wise to use sunblock whenever you are outdoors. Choose a sunblock with a SPF of over 15. SPF of 45 is highly recommended because it blocks 99% while an SPF of 15 will only block 96%. Doesn't take a genius to realize which one is better.

Get Plenty of Sleep. Not getting enough sleep can make you look old and tired. You will have dark circles in the morning and sagging skin. Getting thee proper amount of sleep (7.5 - 8) will definitely help. Choosing the right bedding can help get your full amount of sleep. Choose bedding made of 100 percent cotton. Cotton is comfortable against your skin. Avoid caffeine a couple of hours before going to bed. The effect of caffeine can leave you tossing and turning for hours.

Exercise. Exercising at least three times a week can get the blood flowing through your skin and give back the healthy glow we always wanted. If you can't afford to go to a gym, do the exercise at home. Purchase a jump rope or walk up and down a flight a stairs for 10 - 15 minutes, that will definitely get your heart pumping and the blood flowing through your skin.

Get a great nights sleep and prevent premature aging with the bedroom duvets from Bedroom Duvet Spot. Take a look at the luxury duvet sets from the Le Vele Bedding Collection.

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