Tell Stories With Your Photos

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It's time to upgrade your photography. Am I suggesting investing in new camera? No, heaven forbid! What I am eluding to is upgrading from a point-and-shoot way of thinking to laying out a story with your images.

A story is a gathering of parts with each contributing to the whole. A good story captures your attention and draws you in. This can be accomplished with your photography too.

Remember the last birthdy party or family gathering you attended with your camera, did you snap shot after shot of the attendees? Chances are you got lots of pics of Uncle Fred and Aunt Bertie, but did you capture the essence of the event?

Here's what I'm driving at. You want a picture of Ompa. Why not, he's a likeable fella! But what if you managed to get the shot of the wee grandson exhuberantly modeling Ompa his new present? Hopefully you were able to photograph the enthusiastic countenance on the young lad's face and Grandpa's returned loving acknowledgment. Now that's a picture with a story!

Instead of collecting everyone together for a huge family photo, take advantage of what's presented. Face it, with everyone wedged into the photo it's not much of a keepsake. Why not capture the uniqueness of the event and of the individual?

Are there 3 or 4 generations of females in attendance? Now that's a shot - and a historical moment. Is Aunt Ethel in the dining room putting the finishing touches on her mouth-watering apple crisp? Click! Or Uncle Jack masterfully displaying the young ones his ancient magic tricks? That's a photo you gotta get!

Tip: A telephoto lens is a great aide in capturing those spontaneous, candid shots. From across the room you can witness the story unfold and collect those memories of loved ones just being themselves.

Get creative with your photography. Even a little sneaky. Permit your photos tell the story and you'll be rewarded with photographs you'll treasure for years to come.

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