Teeth whitening is not a myth

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By: www.perfect-tooth.com

Truth about teeth whitening

Teeth whitening works and that is a fact! Anyone who decides to achieve whiter teeth and follow the instruction, doesn't matter if it is a home product or in office whitening as long as it is a high quality product, will see improvement in the brightness and whiteness of his smile.

Today, even though teeth whitening solutions can be found over the counter on almost every corner, only 10%-20% of the population have tried a teeth whitening product.

How does it work?

Dental bleaching, also known as tooth whitening, is a common procedure in general dentistry but most especially in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

Oxidizing agents such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. is used to lighten the shade of the tooth. The oxidizing agent penetrates the porosities in the rod-like crystal structure of enamel and oxidizes inter prismatic stain deposits; over a period of time, the dentin layer, lying underneath the enamel, is also bleached. Laser bleaching uses light energy to accelerate the process of bleaching in a dental office. The effects of bleaching can last for several months, but may vary depending on the lifestyle of the patient. Factors which will decrease whitening include smoking and the ingestion of dark colored liquids like coffee, tea and red wine.(taken from wikipedia)

There are many methods for teeth whitening:

* Bleaching pen

* Bleaching trays

* Bleaching strips

* Laser bleaching

* Natural bleaching

Traditionally, at-home whitening is done with bleaching gel, which is applied to the teeth using thin guard trays. At-home whitening can also be done by a pen applicator which is the most comfortable way to whiten your teeth. Home whitening can also be achieved by applying small strips that go over the front teeth.

Why do we have teeth stains?
There are 2 types of teeth stains:

1.Extrinsic stains - stains that are under our control, they appear on the surface of the teeth and caused by smoking, certain types of food, coffee, tea etc'. These kinds of stains are minor and respond very well to teeth whitening products.

2.Intrinsic stains - developed with the teeth on the interior of the tooth. Intrinsic stains are a result of aging, certain antibiotic medications (like tetracycline) being consumed during the formation of the teeth and injury trauma. Until recent years intrinsic stains were thought to be too resistant to be corrected with a teeth whitening product. Today teeth whitening product also works on intrinsic stains. However, the whitening process might take longer.

Their are many reasons and factors for teeth stains, here are the most common:

* Age - the adult teeth often become darker due to changes in the mineral structure of the tooth, as the enamel becomes less porous. Since age is an important factor, the younger you will start whitening your teeth the faster and better results you will see (Kids under the age of 16 should not use whitening teeth products- read more at the"Whitening not for everyone" section).

* Food and drink - Consumption of tea, coffee, red wine, and deep colored foods and drinks causes teeth staining over the years.

* Smoking - Nicotine leaves brown deposits, which soak into the structure of the tooth and cause discoloration.

* Genetics factors - the thickest the teeth are, the more they are responsive to bleaching.

* Natural color of teeth - People born with teeth color that range from yellow - brown to greenish-Grey. Yellow brown shades are usually responding better to teeth whitening.

* Other factors are teeth injury (trauma), teeth grinding, drugs (antibiotics) and more.

If you like to read more about teeth whitening or you would like to take advantage of a free trail kit please check:

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