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Articles, tagged with "fertilization", page 1

18th May 2011

Common Causes of Infertility in Women

Infertility is medically recognized as a problem when couples are unable to conceive a child after trying for one year without success. Unfortunately, about fifteen percent of all couples will experience this problem with many being diagnosed with some fo...

30th March 2011

How to Get Pregnant Through the Cervical Mucus

There are a lot of ways how to get pregnant fast There are natural ways and there are those too that requires a lot f dollars. There are a lot of couples who wants to get pregnant s fast as possible but failed to do so. There are many methods that ensure ...

22nd March 2011

Having Babies Is Sometimes Difficult For Some Couples

It is perhaps one of those inalienable rights for each and every one of us to experience the joys of having our own child. Of course, things do go wrong for some and they strive for years to do something which is absolutely natural for most of us. When ...

18th March 2011

Understanding the Basics of Egg Donation

Egg donation has become one of the most practical solutions for women who are having problems with fertility. If you are one of those women who face challenges with fertility, it would be beneficial to take time to understand the basics about egg donation...

18th March 2011


Sterilization is the process by which the spores, live cells and viruses are completely destroyed. While "tubal sterilization" not "kill" anything, tubal ligation prevents sperm to swim toward the egg for fertilization. When a doctor performs tubal ligati...

09th March 2011

Fertility: a boon for reproduction

Fertility is the normal ability of giving life. The number of children who is born per pair, person or population is called fertility rate. Fertility is different from fecundity, defined as the potential for reproduction (it is being influenced by gamete ...

15th February 2011

Medical Tourism in Cyprus

With a growing number of people heading to Cyprus for medical help, the local industry is expanding its services. The region has become a hotspot for the medical tourist for a number of reasons. Primarily, it offers a variety of medical treatments at a re...

09th February 2011

Get Pregnant Fast - The Secret to Getting Pregnant When You Want To

The great thing about the world is that we can leave our legacy through our children. But what if you think you can't conceive? When you are past the stage of fertility it's even harder to get pregnant. What do you do then? The first thing I want you to ...

09th February 2011

Tips for Getting Pregnant Fast - Discover The Best Way to Get Pregnant

In this day and age a lot of women want to know how to get pregnant. While it's true that most married couples can take time to decide whether they want to have a baby soon or not, once they make that decision to have a baby, they really want to have it f...

28th September 2010

Natural Ways to Help Get Pregnant Successfully

Increasingly more couples are developing trouble conceiving and more and more couples are searching for natural ways to help get pregnant. Many aspects need to come together in order for conception to occur. Even though it is rare, there are some people w...

01st September 2010

Ancient Mesopotamia cultural

The word "Mesopotamia" is in origin a Greek name (mesos ‘middle' and potamos ‘river', so ‘land between the rivers'). The name is used for the area watered by the Euphrates and Tigris and its tributaries, roughly comprising modern Irak and part of Sy...

05th May 2010

Is Frozen Embryo Transfer Right for Me?

At least one in six couples are affected by some form of infertility and seek the help of fertility specialists. The actual numbers of people that struggle with infertility are difficult to estimate however, as many may not seek treatment or suffer recurr...

15th March 2010

The Tale of The Octomom

I wouldn't ordinarily say this, but should we actually watch tomorrow's two-hour special featuring Nadya Suleman, the California Octomom, who gave birth to a litter of eight babies, and is clearly trying to create a media career as well?It may take a vill...

23rd February 2010

How to Get Pregnant While Having PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) afflicts about one in ten women of childbearing age according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health and it is the most common cause of female infertility. However, just because you...

06th January 2010

Want to know how to get pregnant now?

Are you searching for a tip to understand how to get pregnant fast? Are you recently married and would want to conceive faster and more effective?Unearth methods to conceive a baby quickly and without surgery.Solve infertilization and Cure fertility pro...

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