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Articles, tagged with "least three times", page 1

12th March 2012

Beauty Tips

An outburst of pimples can diminish your child's self-esteem to a great extent. How can you help?Babies, and children, have perfect skin: soft, velvety, smooth and blemish-free. So what happens to skin, when children enter their pre-teens and teens? Ragin...

27th May 2011

Daily Lifestyle Tips To Reduce Wrinkles

As we get older, our appearance is just one of the many things that we have to worry about declining. Fine lines and wrinkles are part of the first signs of aging skin. Anti-aging and wrinkles reducers consist of eating proper nutrition, drinking enough w...

15th March 2011

How to Stay Beautiful As You Age: Wrinkle Removal and More

With people living longer and longer, there are also more opportunities to look older and older. That said, here are some tips to help you look good longer. 1. Diet: Eating lots of fruits and vegetables, little meat, and lots of whole grains is a grea...

28th February 2011

10 Hand care tips

By cris in Beauty
Many of us talk with our hands, and your hands have a lot to say about the state of your health. Your hands do so much that they really need some TLC, and it makes sense to take good care of them. Here are some tips to keep your hands looking young and be...

17th January 2011

Plastic Surgeon Atlanta-based

Plastic Surgeon Atlanta-based Plastic surgery is a medical exercise by which suitable alterations in the appearance of the body are made. People throughout the world not only carry out such surgeries but the aspirants to get this type of surgery far outn...

12th April 2010

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight - 3 Mind Blowing Tips You Must Know at All Possible Costs

Acne is a very broad term used to describe pimples, blemishes, whiteheads and blackheads. Although acne is more common amongst teenagers it can affect any individual irrespective of age. The best way to deal with acne is to take preventative measures; how...

03rd March 2010

How to Meditate Properly

Meditating is very simple to accomplish successfully, but you must know exactly what to do and when to do it. When to practice is something that you have to choose. My advice is to practice meditation every single morning for at least ten minutes, but ...

16th February 2010

The World of Sensor Technology

Practically all microprocessor and memory chips are sensitive to light and so are normally protected by light-tight covers. There are several varieties of CCD and CMOS devices used in digital cameras, and although they do not differ in the basic principle...

29th October 2009

Why a Steinway Grand Piano is the Only Real Choice for a Piano Purchase Today

Used steinway pianos? Terms There are many criteria that are involved in any purchase of a piano, particularly a Steinway grand piano, and for each individual some criteria will be take priority. Below are some of the most important criteria that ne...

16th October 2009

Lasik Colored Contacts Free Interrelated Resource

You see, we should be very thankful that we are born in this modern generation because of the existence of the Internet. With the Internet, every information (whether about lasik colored contacts or any other such as weights for sale, schwinn exercise bik...

15th October 2009

Lasik Procedure Assistive Tip

If you are searching for information related to lasik procedure or any other such as treadmill sale, treadmill review, discount fitness equipment or online fitness equipment you have come to the right article. This piece will provide you with not just gen...

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