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Articles, tagged with "splint", page 1

28th March 2011

Looking More Rested Takes Surgical Intervention Sometimes

There are many cosmetic surgery procedures which can be done to correct what Mother Nature did not perfect the first time round. These operations are very common procedures these days down to the point where the everyday working man and woman can now aff...

25th November 2009

Understanding the Basics of Aesthetic or Reconstructive Nose Jobs (Rhinoplasty)

Rhinoplasty, commonly called a "nose job," is a surgical procedure to improve the function or appearance of the nose. The procedure is performed for a variety of reasons, from reconstruction (to correct birth defects, trauma, or breathing problems) to pur...

24th November 2009

Realizing your Cosmetic Goals with Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgery that is used to reshape and recontour the nose. This surgery cannot only change the size of your nose, but it can also alter the angle of the nose in relation to your face. Plastic surgeons are also able...

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